mioara mandea - conferences

  • Gaugne, C., I. Panet, M. Greff, M. MANDEA, S. Rosat, Rapid mass changes at the core-mantle boundary originating from the deep mantle as seen by GRACE mission, AGU, Washington (US).

  • MANDEA, M., Magnetic measurements --- from the past to the future, The Diament Jubilee (1964-2024) of the Hyderabad Magnetic Observatory , Hyderabad, (IN).

  • MANDEA, M., What causes the 6-yr oscillation in the Earth's interiere, International Seminar on Plate Tectonics, Sedimentation and Metallogeny through Time, Geological Society of India General Assembly , Dharwad (IN).

  • Personnettaz P., N. Schaëffer, D. Cébron, M. MANDEA, Fluid response to the inner core’s translational oscillations, 27eme rencontre du non-lineaire, Paris (FR).

  • Personnettaz P., R. Monville, N. Schaëffer, D. Cébron, M. MANDEA, Beyond spherical boundaries in deep fluid layers of planets, 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC1), Aachen (DE).

  • Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, V. Dehant, M. MANDEA, S. Rosat, N. Gillet, H. Lecomte, D. Jault, H.-C. Nataf, Potential links between internal and external geodynamics at periods around 6 years, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, GSTM2024-62, https://doi.org/10.5194/gstm2024-62, Potsdam (DE).

  • Gaugne, C., I. Panet, M. Greff, M. MANDEA, S. Rosat, An anomalous GRACE gravity signal in the Atlantic Ocean originating from the Earth's deep interior, 20th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, Strasbourg (FR).

  • Gaugne, C., I. Panet, M. MANDEA, M. Greff, S. Rosat, Étude des redistributions de masse à la frontière noyau manteau par gravimétrie spatiale, Journées CNES Jeunes Chercheurs (JC2), Toulouse (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Space missions keeping an eye on the South Atlantic Anomaly, invited talk, invited talk, COSPAR - 45th Scientific Assembly, Busan (KR).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, F. Dall’Asta, C. Finlay, M. Hammer, M. MANDEA, Using SOLA for investigating rapid fluctuations of outer core surface flow, 18th Symposium of SEDI, Great Barrington (US).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, J. Aubert, P. Personnettaz, M. Mandea, Core surface flow ingredients: sensitivity to geodynamo priors and geomagnetic secular variation data, 18th Symposium of SEDI, Great Barrington (US).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, J. Aubert, M. MANDEA, Core surface flow inversion ingredients: understanding the effects of geodynamo priors and magnetic models data, UK-SEDI 2024, Leeds (UK).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, F. Dal'Asta, C. Finlay, M. Hammer, M. MANDEA, Using SOLA for investigating rapid fluctuations of outer core surface flow, Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference 2024, Copenhagen, (DK).

  • Jault, D., I. Firsov, N. Gillet, P. Personnettaz, M. MANDEA, Flow at the top of the free stream in geodynamo calculations, Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference 2024, Copenhagen, (DK).

  • MANDEA, M., A. Cazenave, V. Dehant, Swarm and its role in understanding a 6-year oscillation in the Earth’s system, Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference 2024, Copenhagen, (DK).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, J. Aubert, M. MANDEA, Core flow ingredients: sensitivity to geodynamo priors, Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference 2024, Copenhagen, (DK).

  • MANDEA, M., Swarm and CNES - a long history, Swarm 10 Year Anniversary & Science Conference 2024, Copenhagen, (DK).

  • MANDEA, M., V. Dehant, A. Cazenave, Probing the deep Earth interior by a synergistic use of magnetic and gravity fields, and Earth's rotation, EGU, EGU24-3539, Vienna, (AU).

  • Dehant, V., M. MANDEA, A. Cazenave, GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth, AGU, D101-03, online.

  • MANDEA, M., Erc Synergy Grants - Practical perspective (GRACEFUL), ERC Info Day, online, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, (RO).

  • Cazenave, A., J. Pfeffer, M. MANDEA, A 6-year cycle in the length of day and in the surface fluid envelopes, AGU, G34A-01, San Francisco, (US).

  • Kang, W. L., N. Schaeffer, P. Personnettaz, H. Rogers, T. Frasson, M. MANDEA, Investigating secular variations in geodynamo models with lateral variations in electrical conductivity at the core-mantle boundary, AGU, DI31C-06, San Francisco, (US).

  • Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, S. Rosat, L. Moreira, M. MANDEA, V. Dehant, Are internal and external geodynamics linked at a 6-year period? (Invited), AGU, DI21A-03, San Francisco, (US).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, Comparison of Gap-Filling Temporal Methods to Improve GRACE and GRACE-FO Time Series AGU, G21B-0472, San Francisco, (US).

  • Mandea, M., core geomagnetic field and its implication for space weather, IMCP International Workshop, online, Beiging, (CN).

  • Personnettaz, P., D. Cébron, N. Schaëffer, M. MANDEA, Modeling non-spherical effects with parametrized boundary conditions, GAFDEM - Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Experiments and Models, Nice (FR).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, J. Aubert, M. MANDEA, Core surface flow inversion ingredients: understanding the effects of geodynamo priors and magnetic models data, Online at MagNetZ - Core surface flow inversion ingredients (youtube.com)/

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, Dumberry M., GRACE/SLR-based Gravity Field and the Earth's Core: New Estimates for Parameters of Key Core Processes, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, F. Dall’Asta, C. Finlay, D. Jault, M. Hammer, M. MANDEA, Using SOLA for investigating regional dynamics of flow at the top of the outer core, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Mandea, M., H. Rogers, N. Gillet, D. Jault, Which is the best model for describing the core field and its variations?, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Lim, K.W., P. Personnettaz, H. Rogers, N. Schaeffer, T. Frasson, M. MANDEA, Investigating secular variations in geodynamo models with lateral variations in heat flux and electrical conductivity at the core-mantle boundary, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Lim, K.W., Personnettaz P.,M. MANDEA, Angular momentum and chemical exchange at the core-mantle boundary, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Saraswati, A.T., O. de Viron, M. MANDEA, Estimating common signals of the spatial gravity and geomagnetic field related to the Earth’s core field variation, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Firsov, I., D. Jault, N. Gillet, M. MANDEA, J. Aubert, Shear at the top of the Earth’s core, 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Berlin (DE).

  • Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, V. Dehant, L. Moreira, A. Barnoud, Detections of a 6-year cycle in the Earth system, EGU, EGU23-7746, Vienna, (AU).

  • Rogers, H., N. Gillet, M. Hamme, C. Finlay. M. MANDEA, Using SOLA for investigating regional dynamics of flow at the top of the outer core, EGU, EGU23-3416, Vienna, (AU).

  • MANDEA, M., Observer le champ magnétique terrestre: quand la théorie suit la mesure, Louv'Science, Louveciennes (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., How is a magnetid field model constructed, TIMEWORLD Construction 2022, Paris (FR).

  • Cazenave, A., J. Pfeffer, L. Moreira L, M. MANDEA, V. Dehant, O. de Viron, S. Rosat, A 6-7 year cycle in the Earth System, AGU, G16A-03, Chicago, (US).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, M. Dumberry, Observability of the Earth’s Core Signals and Geomagnetic Jerks in GRACE-based Gravity Field, AGU, DI32B-0018, Chicago, (US).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, Observability of the Earth’s Core Signals and Geomagnetic Jerks in GRACE-based Gravity Field, SEDI meeting, Zurich, (CH).

  • Firsov, I., D. Jault, N. Gillet, M. MANDEA, Inference of quasi-geostrophic motions from the geomagnetic secular variation, SEDI meeting, Zurich, (CH).

  • MANDEA, M., V. Dehant, A. Cazenave, GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth, Planet Living Symposium, LPS22, Bonn, (DE)

  • Lemoine, J.-M., M. MANDEA, L. Lopes, B. Meyssignac, A. Blazquez, G. Balmino, V. Costes, S. Bruinsma,E. Samain, S. Bourgogne, Review of MARVEL pre-Phase-A, Planet Living Symposium, LPS22, Bonn, (DE).

  • Schwaiger, T., N. Gillet, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, Recovery of rapid core motions: a synthetic study, Planet Living Symposium, LPS22, Bonn, (DE).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, Comparison of gap-filling temporal methods to improve GRACE and GRACE-FO time series, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, GSTM2022-46, Potsdam, (DE).

  • Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, M. MANDEA V. Dehant, O. de Viron, A. Saraswati, P. Zhu, A 6-year cycle in the climate system, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting, GSTM2022-26, Potsdam, (DE).

  • Heyner, D. MPO-MAG team, including M. MANDEA, BepiColombo at Mercury: First close-in magnetic field measurements from the southern hemisphere, EGU, EGU22-8509, Vienne, (AU).

  • 2021
  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, On The Detectability Of The Earth’s Core Signal Using Space Gravity Measurements, DI35D-0054, AGU, New Orleans, (US).

  • Schwaiger, T., N. Gillet, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, Local Estimation of the Core Surface Flow, DI35D-0053, AGU, New Orleans, (US).

  • Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, A. Barnoud, A. Blazquez, M. MANDEA, V. Dehant, Multidisciplinary analysis of the temporal variations of the gravity field acquired during the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, G11A-05, AGU, New Orleans, (US).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, Study of the accuracy of monthly time-variable satellites gravity field estimates, 11th Swarm Data Quality Workshop Athene (GR).

  • MANDEA, M., A. Cazenave, V. Dehant, A. Barnoud, I. Firsov, F. Gerick, J. Pfeffer, J. Rekier, T. Schwaiger, S. A. Triana, P. Zhu, Our Planet deep interior – a view from the magnetic, gravity and the Earth’s rotation observations, Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI 2021 (virtual conference).

  • Firsov, I., N. Gillet, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, Inversion for the quasi-geostrophic stream function in the fluid outer core from geomagnetic observations, Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI 2021 (virtual conference).

  • Schwaiger, T., N. Gillet, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, J. Aubert, Recovery of rapid core motions: a synthetic study, Joint Scientific Assembly IAGA-IASPEI 2021 (virtual conference).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, The time-variable gravity field estimates and their impact in the detectability of the Earth’s core signals, 19th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides 2021 (virtual conference).

  • Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, Study of the accuracy of monthly time-variable satellites gravity field estimates, EGU21-4136 (virtual conference).

  • Lemoine, J.-M., B. Meyssignac, M. MANDEA, E. Samain, S. Bourgogne, A. Blazque, G. Balmino, L. Lopes, J. Michaud and MARVEL Mission Team, MARVEL Mission Proposal: The Latest Update, G020-08, AGU (virtual conference).

  • Dehant, V., M. MANDEA, A. Cazenave, S. A. Triana, J. Rekier, P. Zhu, GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth, DI001-01, AGU (virtual conference).

  • Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, M. MANDEA, V. Dehant, A. Barnoud, The GRACEFUL project: probing the Earth’s deep interior with satellite observations of the gravity field, magnetic field and earth’s rotation, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 2020, GSTM2020-23, https://doi.org/10.5194/gstm2020-23 (virtual conference).

  • Lemoine, J.-M., M. MANDEA, B. Meyssignac, A. Blazquez, L. Lopes, J. Michaud, G. Balmino, S. Bourgogne, E. Samain, V. Costes, S. Bruinsma, MARVEL mission proposal: The latest update, GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020, online, 2020, GSTM2020-47, https://doi.org/10.5194/gstm2020-47 (virtual conference).

  • MANDEA, M., V. Dehant, A. Cazenave, GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth, EGU2020-13515, highlight (virtual conference).

  • Lemoine, J.-M., M. MANDEA., and the MARVEL team, The MARVEL gravity and reference frame mission proposal, EGU2020-13359 (virtual conference).

  • MANDEA, M., The core mantle boundary seen by gravimetric and magnetic satellite data (invited), Table ronde '' Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation: present and future'', clôture de la Chaire d’excellence internationale Blaise Pascal attribuée en 2017 à Mihai Datcu, Paris (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., G. Hulot, Le champ magn\'etique terrestre : progres et puzzles, (invited), Mardi de l’espace, CNES, Paris (FR).

  • Korte, M. and M. MANDEA, The Spirit of Alexander von Humboldt in Modern Geomagnetism, (invited), U43B-02, AGU, San Francisco, (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., J. Lambin, A. Lifermann, P. Tabary, C. Deniel, P. Maisongrande, C. Vignolles, The French Space Earth Observation Programme: Serving Science and Societal Needs, 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Montreal (CA).

  • Pollet, A., D. Coulot, R. Biancale, V. Schott-Guimault, S. Nahmani, F. Perosanz, F. Mercier, F. Reinquin, J.C. Marty, S. Loyer, J.M. Lemoine, M. MANDEA, Results of the GRGS numerical simulations for GRASP-like missions towards the GGOS objectives for geodetic references, G01p-350, 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Montreal (CA).

  • Wardinski, I. and M. MANDEA, A study of the short-term secular variation of Earth's magnetic field, A01p-189, 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Montreal (CA).

  • MANDEA, M., News from the deep Earth's interior from the satellite data, ''EGU -- Geosciences Day'' (invited), Bucharest (RO).

  • MANDEA, M., Space weather hazards, ''Natural and man-made hazards monitoring by the Earth Observation missions: current status and scientific gaps'', ISSI, Bern (CH).

  • Manunta, M., M. MANDEA, et al., EPOS Thematic Core Service Satellite Data: the Contribution of Sentinel Missions to Establish a Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Research Platform for Solid Earth Sciences, Living Planet Symposium, Milan (IT).

  • Wardinski, I. and M. MANDEA, A 3D Earth magnetic field model, Living Planet Symposium, Milan (IT).

  • MANDEA, M., V. Dehant, A. Cazenave, O. de Viron, A. Blazquez, P. Zhu, I. Wardinski, What do magnetic and gravity fields indicate about the Earth's core flow ? EGU2019-12386,, Vienna (AU).

  • Pais, A., J. Domingos, D. Jault, M. MANDEA., Temporal resolution of internal magnetic field modes from satellite data, EGU2019-12386, Vienna (AU).

  • MANDEA, M., Observing the magnetic world: when theory follows measurements, International seminar ''System Analysis of Earth Science Data'', at the Earth Sciences Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (RU).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic world: from measurements to theory, ''75 Years of Geomagnetic Measurements of the Romanian Centenary'', Bucharest (RO).

  • Dehant, V., P. Zhu, M. MANDEA, A. Cazenave, From Inter-decadal to multi-decadal variations at length of day, G31B-0656, AGU, Washington D.C. (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., V. Dehant, A. Cazenave, O. de Viron, A. Blazquez, P. Zhu, I. Wardinski, Connecting the Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior and the Evolution of the Magnetic Field, DI21B-0008, AGU, Washington D.C. (USA).

  • Tomida, Y., G. Occhipinti, P. Coïsson, J. Makela, M. Grawe, L. Rolland, L. Louise, M. MANDEA, et al., IONOGLOW: new insight for ionospheric detection of tsunamis by airglow camera from space, G13A-06, AGU, Washington D.C. (USA).

  • Lévèque, T., C. Fallet, MANDEA, M., R. Biancale, J. M. Lemoine, S. Tardivel, M. Delpech, G. Ramillien, I. Panet, S. Bourgogne, F. Pereira Dos Santos, Ph. Bouyer, Correlated Atom Accelerometers for Mapping the Earth Gravity Field from Space, International Conference on Space Optics, Chania (GR).

  • MANDEA, M., Observing the magnetic world: when measurements precede theory, Petrus Peregrinus medal lecture, EGU2018-4428 , Vienna (A).

  • Manunta, M., MANDEA, M. et al., Thematic Core Service on Satellite Data of the EPOS Research Infrastructure, EGU2018-14328, Vienna (A).

  • Willis, P., M. Heflin, B. Haines, Y. Bar-Sever, W. Bertiger, M. MANDEA, Using DORIS daily PPP results to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic Anomaly on Jason-2 oscillator, UAW Advancing Geodesy, Paris (FR).

  • Pollet, A., D. Coulot, R. Biancale, M. MANDEA, GRASP/Eratosthenes: GRGS numerical simulations and millimetric TRF realization, G13A-05, AGU, New Orleans (USA).

  • MANDEA, M. , M. Diament, O. Jamet, E. Deschamps-Ostanciaux, ForM@Ter: a French Solid Earth Research Infrastructure Project, IN44A-05, AGU, New Orleans (USA).

  • MANDEA, M. , Ground and satellite measurements: a must to complete current geomagnetic needs (invited), 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly, Cape Town, (SA).

  • MANDEA, M. and J.L. Le Mouel, Ground and satellite measurements: a must to complete current geomagnetic needs, 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly, Cape Town, (SA).

  • Domingos, J., D. Jault, A. Pais, M. MANDEA, Separating different contributions for the South Atlantic Anomaly variability, 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly, Cape Town, (SA).

  • MANDEA, M. and G. Balasis, Long series of geomagnetic measurements – unique at satellite era, EGU2017-14028, Vienna (A).

  • Marunta M., F. Casu, I. Zinno, C. De Luca, S. Buonanno, G. Zeni, T. Wright, A. Hooper, M. Diament, E. Ostanciaux, M. MANDEA, T. Walter, F. Maccaferri, J. Fernandez, S. Stramondo, C. Bignami, P. Bally, S. Pinto, A. Marin, and A. Cuomo, The Satellite Data Thematic Core Service within the EPOS Research Infrastructure, EGU2017-15777, Vienna (A).

  • Balasis, G., C. Papadimitriou, A. De Santis, G. Cianchini, M. MANDEA, and O. Giannakis, Swarm mission, ULF Pulsation Activity and the August 2016 Central Italy Earthquake, EGU2017-9325, Vienna (A).

  • Saturnino, D., B. Langlais, H. Amit, M. MANDEA, F. Civet, and E. Beucler, VO-ESD: a virtual observatory approach to describe the geomagnetic field temporal variations with application to Swarm data, EGU2017-6300, Vienna (A).

  • Biancale, R., A. Pollet, D. Coulot, and M. MANDEA, E-GRASP/Eratosthenes: a mission proposal for millimetric TRF realization, EGU2017-8752, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., Unveiling hidden features of the geomagnetic field: measurements, data analysis and modelling, (invited) EGU2016-5079, Vienna (A).

  • Coulot, D., A. Pollet, R. Biancale, M. Zoulida, S. Loyer, F. Perosanz, J.-C. Marty, J.-M. Lemoine, L. Soudarin, M. Capderou, S. Nahmani, F. Deleflie, and M. MANDEA, GRGS simulations for a GRASP-like satellite, EGU2016-7083, Vienna (A).

  • Manunta, M., M. MANDEA, et al., EPOS - TCS Satellite Data, EGU2016-15324, Vienna (A).

  • Diament, M., E. Deschamps-Ostanciau, O. Jamet, M. MANDEA, ForM@Ter: a solid Earth data and services pole, 2016 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium, Prague (CZ).

  • Fallet, C., R. Mathieu, J.-F. Mahfouf, A. Hauchecorne, M. MANDEA, C. Fratter, Future nanosatellite constellation for radio occultation measurements, 2016 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium, Prague (CZ).

  • MANDEA, M., The changing geomagnetic field, The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather, ISSI Workshop, Bern (CH).

  • MANDEA, M., The 2015 Nepal earthquake – a signature on the magnetic Swarm satellites data, Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies, Sochi (RU).

  • De Santis, A., D. Marchetti D., G. Balasis, F. J. Pavón-Carrasco, M. MANDEA, Earthquakes from space: examples of electromagnetic anomalies before large earthquakes detected by the ESA Swarm satellite mission, ESC2016-498, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Trieste (IT).

  • Szwillus, W., J. Ebbing, J. C. Afonso, J. Bouman, J. Flury, J. Fullea, C. Gaina, N. Holzrichter, S. Lebedev, M. MANDEA, Z. Martinec, M. Moorkamp, B. Root, W. Van Der Wal, R. Haagmans, 3D Earth - A Dynamic Living Planet, 15th Symposium of Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, Nantes (FR).

  • Saturnino, D., B. Langlais, H. Amit, M. MANDEA, F.Civet, VO-ESD: a modified virtual observatory approach with application to Swarm measurements, 15th Symposium of Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, Nantes (FR).

  • Domingos, J., A. Pais, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, South Atlantic Anomaly throughout the solar cycle, 15th Symposium of Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, Nantes (FR).

  • MANDEA, M. , A. De Santis, G. Balasis, C. Gianfranco, F.J.Pavón-Carrasco, Swarm Magnetic Measurements: Bearer of Potential Nepal Earthquake Precursors?, NH51C-1965, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M. , Les risques telluriques vus par les satellites, Conférence organisée par l'Academie de Science à Abbadia (FR).

  • Pollet, A., D. Coulot, R. Biancale, M. Zoulida, S. Loyer, F. Perosanz, S. Nahmani, F. Deleflie, M. Capderou and M. MANDEA, GRGS Numerical Simulations for GRASP Mission G23B-1060, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • De Santis, A., G. Balasis, F.J. Pavón-Carrasco, G. Cianchini, M. MANDEA, An earthquake from space: detection of precursory magnetic anomalies from Swarm satellites before the 2015 M8 Nepal Earthquake GP43C-1267, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M.,C. Narteau, I. Panet and J.-L. Le Mouel, Gravimetric and magnetic anomalies produced by dissolution-crystallization at the core mantle boundary DI41B-07, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., G. Hulot, Swarm - Comprendre les effets du champ magnétique, (invited), Mardi de l’espace, CNES/Pont-Neuf, Paris (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Les orages magnetiques; de la beaute des aurores boreales au risque tellurique, Fondation Ecologie d’Avenir, Institut de France, Paris (FR).

  • MANDEA, M. , News and views of Earth’s interior from space, Third French-Japanese Workshop on the Scientific Utilization of Space-based Earth Observation Data, JAXA, Tokyo (JP).

  • Ostanciaux, E., M. Diament, O. Jamet, M. MANDEA, GDM: a ForM@Ter service for ground deformation monitoring, EGU2015-9884, Vienna (A).

  • De Santis, A., M. MANDEA, G. Balasis, J. Pavón‐Carrasco, E. Qamili, G. Cianchini, Electromagnetic perturbations detected by Swarm satellites and related to the first April 2014 M8.1 Chile, EGU2015-13247, Vienna (A).

  • Saturnino, D., B. Langlais, H. Amit, M. MANDEA , Describing temporal variations of the geomagnetic field using a modified virtual observatory scheme: application to Swarm data, EGU2015-5453, Vienna (A).

  • De Santis, A., M. MANDEA , G. Balasis, J. Pavón‐Carrasco, E. Qamili, G. Cianchini, Electromagnetic anomalies detected by Swarm satellites likely related to the first April 2014 M8.1 Chile Earthquake, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague (CZ).

  • Tozzi, R., M. MANDEA, P. De Michelis, Swarm data and unmodelled magnetic contributions in geomagnetic field models, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague (CZ).

  • Domingos, J., A. Pais, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, South Atlantic anomaly as seen by swarm data, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague (CZ).

  • Isac, A., V. Dobrica, M. MANDEA, Geomagnetic field data for the Romanian National Aeronautical Information Service, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague (CZ).

  • Pollet, A., D. Coulot, R. Biancale, F. Deleflie, M. Capderou, M. MANDEA, M. Zoulida, Which Orbit for the GRASP Mission?, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague (CZ).

  • De Santis A., M. MANDEA , G. Balasis, Possibilities for Observations of Electromagnetic Perturbations Related to Seismic Activity with Swarm Satellites, GP51A-3707, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • Saturnino, D., B. Langlais, H. Amit, M. MANDEA , Describing Temporal Variations of the Geomagnetic Field through a Modified Virtual Observatory Scheme: Application to SWARM Measurements, GP51A-3704, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • Pollet, A., D. Coulot, M. Zulida, F. Delefile, R. Biancale, M. MANDEA M, Which Orbit for the GRASP Mission?, G13A-0502, AGU San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., French space programmes: Views & News, 4th PlanetMag Meeting, Potsdam (DE).

  • MANDEA, M., Sub-commission of Geophysical maps activities, GA CGMW, Paris (Fr).

  • MANDEA, M., C. Narteau, J.-L. Le Mouel, Irregularities and dynamics of the core-mantle boundary, EGU2014-4249, Vienna (A).

  • Carrère, V. et al (and M. MANDEA), The French proposal for a high spatial resolution Hyperspectral mission, EGU2014-11791, Vienna (A).

  • Civet, F., B. Langlais, O. Verhoeven, A. Mocquet, M. MANDEA, A. Chambodut, Toward a new Swarm-based global electromagnetic picture: results from the simultaneous use of Ørsted and CHAMP data, EGU2014-5377, Vienna (A).

  • Ostanciaux, E., O. Jamet, M. MANDEA, M. Diament, ForM@Ter: a solid Earth thematic pole, EGU2014-12657, Vienna (A).

  • Isac, A., M. MANDEA , M. Purucker, Magnetic patterns of impacts craters, EGU2014-3306, Vienna (A).

  • Qamili, E., A. De Santis, A. Isac, M. MANDEA, B. Duka, A. Simonyan, Geomagnetic jerks as chaotic features of our planet,EGU2014-5249, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., CNES and its fundamental role in the International Charter "Space and Major Disasters" (invited), Second International Conference on Natural and Anthropic Risks ICNAR2014, Bacau (RO).

  • Thebault, E., M. MANDEA, The crustal magnetic field in the Himalayas and the surrounding regions, ISRO-CNES Science Meet on “Geodynamics of Himalaya”, Dehradun (IN).

  • MANDEA, M., Swarm constellation – a new stage to understanding the geomagnetic field, The 1st International Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AEMT), via Skype Lombok (Id).

  • MANDEA, M., The Earth’s magnetic field seen from space, ESA Summer School Alpbach the geophysics of the terrestrial planets, Alpbach (A).

  • MANDEA, M., I. Panet, G. Pajot-Métivier, M. Greff-Lefftz, L. Métivier, M. Diament, Earth's mantle structure revisited by GOCE gravity satellite, COSPAR, 40th Scientific Assembly , Moscow (RU).

  • MANDEA, M., A. Isac, M. Purucker, Magnetic insights from large impact craters on the Earth, Mars, and Moon, COSPAR, 40th Scientific Assembly, Moscow (RU).

  • MANDEA, M., Le champ magnétique de la Terre vu de l’espace (invited), College de France, Paris (Fr).

  • MANDEA, M., Champ magnétique terrestre : ce qu’il reste à comprendre...(invited), Palais de la Decouverte, Paris (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Les satellites explorent le champ magnétique terrestre (invited), Bureau des Longitudes , Paris (FR).

  • Panet, I., G. Pajot-Métivier, M. Greff-Lefftz, L. Métivier, M. Diament, M. MANDEA, B. Romanowicz, GOCE satellite gravity gradients: a new probe into the Earth’s mantle, AGU DI41B-07, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M. , Does current satellite measuring complete all geomagnetic needs? (invited) The IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly , Merida (MX).

  • Le Mouel, J.-L., M. MANDEA, , C. Narteau, Irregularities and dynamics of the core-mantle boundary The IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly , Merida (MX).

  • Gaina, C., M. MANDEA, , M. Hamoudi, The tectonic framework of the African plate illustrated by potential field data The IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly , Merida (MX).

  • Isac, A., M. MANDEA, H.J. Linthe,M. Gatej,L. Iancu, Surlari observatory ready for present and future, The IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly , Merida (MX).

  • Yahit, Y., M. Hamoudi, M. MANDEA, N. Zaourar, V. Lesur, Satellite magnetic data: a new key to study external contributions, The IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly , Merida (MX).

  • MANDEA, M., Observation spatiale de la Terre: les enjeux actuels et le champ magnétique terrestre, (invited), Ecole de Météorologie de l’Espace au Maghreb, Alger (DZ).

  • Panet, I., G. Pajot-Métivier, M. Greff-Lefftz, L. Métivier, M. Diament, and M. MANDEA, Global gravity gradients: a new view on Earth's mantle, EGU2013-5492, Vienna (A).

  • Qamili, E., A. De Santis, A. Isac, M. MANDEA, B. Duka, and A. Simonyan, Jerks as chaotic fluctuations of the geomagnetic field, EGU2013-4925, Vienna (A).

  • Isac, A., M. MANDEA, and M. Purucker, Reading the Magnetic Patterns in Earth complex impact craters to detect similarities and cues from some Nectarian craters of the Moon, EGU2013-9649, Vienna (A).

  • Lefevre-Fonollosa, M.-J., I. Fratter and M. MANDEA, HYPXIM: an innovative hyperspectral satellite for science, security and defence, EGU2013-10129, Vienna (A).

  • Lefevre-Fonollosa, M.-J., S. Michel, S. Hosford, I. Fratter and M. MANDEA, HYPXIM – an advanced hyperspectral satellite for environment, security and defence, 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes (FR).

  • Lefevre-Fonollosa, M.-J., I. Fratter and M. MANDEA, HYPXIM – a dual hyperspectral satellite defined for science, security and defence users, 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., G. Balasis, A. A. Soloviev, Possible Seismogenic Signatures in the Ionosphere Based on Magnetic Satellite Data Analysis (AI1: O4), 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow (RU).

  • MANDEA, M., The Earth’s Magnetic Field: News and Views from space, Workshop Exploratoriu: Spatiu - Stiinta, Tehnologie si Aplicatii, ROSA, Bucarest (RO).

  • Panet, I., G. Pajot-Metivier, L. Metivier, M. Diament, M. MANDEA, M. Greff-Lefftz, A. Peyrefitte, Earth’s non-hydrostatic gravity gradients from GOCE, AGU G31B-0932, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., I. Panet, V. Lesur, O. de Viron, M. Diament, J.-L. Le Mouël, Potential fields & satellite missions: what they tell us about the Earth's core? AGU G33A-0941, San Francisco (USA).

  • Hayn, M., I. Panet, M. Diament, M. Holschneider, M. MANDEA, A. B. Davaille, Wavelet based directional analysis of the gravity field: evidence for large-scale undulation, AGU T33G-2755, San Francisco (USA).

  • Gaina, C., M. MANDEA, M. Hamoudi, The tectonic framework of the African Plate illustrated by potential field data, AGU GP42A-07 (Invited), San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., Les programmes d'observation de la Terre au CNES, IPGP (FR).

  • Isac, A, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA. Demagnetization patterns seen in global magnetic models of Earth, Mars and Moon,EGU 2012-7311, Vienna (A).

  • Suteanu, C. and M. MANDEA, Long range correlations in daily atmospheric temperature time series in the Canadian Arctic: regional vs. local Effects, EGU 2012-3457, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., I. Panet, V. Lesur, O. de Viron, and M. Diament, Satellite measurements: a window to the Earth's core , EGU 2012-4202 (invited), Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic storms ‐ between beauty and risk (invited), Moldavian Risks -- from global to locale scale, Vasile Alecsandri University, Bacau (Ro).

  • MANDEA, M., The Earth’s magnetic field: News & Views (invited), Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (RO).

  • MANDEA, M., The Earth's magnetic field: Where do we stand? Where do we go? (invited), Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba-city, (JP).

  • Isac, A., M. E. Purucker, M. MANDEA, and F. Herbert, Magnetic characteristics of the largest impacts on the Moon, Mars, and Earth EGU 2011-6098, Vienna (A).

  • Panet, I., M. MANDEA, V. Lesur, M. Diament, and O. de Viron, Core signals in magnetic and gravity satellite data, EGU 2011-7455, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., C. Gaina, V. Lesur, A Gravity and Magnetic View over the Arctic, 25th IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne (AUS).

  • MANDEA, M., I. Panet, M. Diament, O. de Viron, V. Lesur, What the Potential Fields Satellite Missions Tell Us About the Earth’s Core?, 25th IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne (AUS).

  • Armbrecht, K., P. Roul, M. Holschneider, M., MANDEA, Space Time Model of Earth's Magnetic Field, 2nd PlanetMag Meeting, Wernigerode (DE).

  • MANDEA, M., I. Panet, M. Diament, Investigation of core signals from potential fields satellite missions, DI41A-1926, AGU, San Francisco (USA).

  • Zubaidah, T., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, M. Hamoudi, New tectonic insights along the Sunda-Banda arcs transition revealed from geomagnetic observations over the Lombok Island, The Bali2010 International Geosciences Conference and Exposition, HAGI-SEG, Denpasar-Bali (INA).

  • Geese, A. V. Lesur, I. Wardinski, M. MANDEA, Secular variation: from observatory monthly means and from global field model, EGU 2010-3259, Vienna (A).

  • Daglis, I. A., G. Balasis, A. Anastasiadis, A. Ganas, N. Melis, W. Baumjohann, W. Magnes, M. MANDEA, V. Lesur, and M. Korte, The ENIGMA project: a ground-based magnetic array for space research, EGU 2010-12835, Vienna (A).

  • Berguig, M.-C., M. Hamoudi, J.-L. Le Mouel, M. MANDEA, Y. Cohen, Global Mapping of Internal Lunar Magnetic Field, EGU 2010-3388, Vienna (A).

  • Isac, A., M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, Impact structures seen by magnetic anomaly maps, EGU 2010-7852, Vienna (A).

  • Astafyeva, E., M. MANDEA, P. Lognonne, Quality of GPS Performance During Ionospheric Storms and Solar Flares, Beacon Satellite Symposium, Barcelona (S).

  • Astafyeva, E., P. Tatarinov, V. Demyanov, M. MANDEA and P. Lognonne, Ionosphere storms and their influence on GNSS, 38th Scientific Assembly COSPAR, Bremen (DE).

  • Geese, A., M. MANDEA, V. Lesur, SAMS - the South African Magnetic model made of Splines, 28th International conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Committee on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG), Pisa (IT).

  • MANDEA, M., World Geophysical Maps, 2010 CGMW General Assembly – UNESCO, Paris (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., The Earth's magnetic core: a new picture from the satellite data, CAS Voodoo Tectonics, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo (NO).

  • MANDEA, M., Expérience de coopération entre les instituts de physique de la Terre de Moscou et Paris, Journées franco-russes de la formation supérieure, de la recherche et de l’innovation dans les domaines de l’environnement et du développement durable, Tomsk (RU).

  • Zaourar, N., L. Briqueu, M. MANDEA, M. Hamoudi, Wavelet based multiscale analysis of geomagnetic disturbances. Application to time series recorded at Hermanus Observatory, International Heliophysical Year IHY-Africa/SCINDH, Livingstone (ZM).

  • Cianchini, G., A. De Santis, G. Balasis, M. MANDEA, E. Qamili, Entropy Based Analyses of Satellite Magnetic Signal Applied for Searching Possible Seismogenic Signatures in Ionosphere, ESA’s Second Swarm International Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Isac, A., M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, How Impacts Have Shaped the Magnetic Field of Earth, Mars and Moon, ESA’s Second Swarm International Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Lesur, V., I., Wardinski, M. MANDEA, A Core Magnetic Field Model Derived from 8 Years of CHAMP Satellite and Observatory data, ESA’s Second Swarm International Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Wardinski, I., J. Dostal, M. MANDEA, M. Thomas, Towards Monitoring Magnetic Signals Generated by Ocean Tides, ESA’s Second Swarm International Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Yahiat, Y., M. Hamoudi, M. Mandea, New and ancien satellite data : A source to characterize geomagnetic field, ESA’s Second Swarm International Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • MANDEA M. and M. Korte, North versus South: magnetic poles and their wandering (Invited), Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP23C-02, San Francisco (USA).

  • Eftaxias K. A., G. Balasis, C. Papadimitriou, M. MANDEA, Universality in solar flares, magnetic storms, earthquakes and pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions by means of nonextensivity, Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG43A-1197, San Francisco (USA).

  • Asari,‭ S.,‭ ‬Wardinski,‭ I.,‭ ‬MANDEA,‭ M., ‬Torque balance evolution within the core over the last‭ ‬150‭ ‬years,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Isac,‭ ‬A.,‭ ‬‬MANDEA,‭ M., ‬Linthe,‭ H.-J., ‬SURLARI observatory:‭ ‬where we have been and where we are,‭ ‬11th Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Hejda,‭ ‬P.,‭ Herzog,‭ D., ‬Linthe,‭ H.-J., ‬MANDEA,‭ M., ‬Schott,‭ J.-J., ‬Svalgaard,‭ L., ‬On the derivation of hourly mean values with incomplete data,‭ ‬ 11th Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • MANDEA,‭ ‬M.,‭ ‬Geomagnetic jerks‭ ‬-‭ ‬where do we stand‭?‬ ,‭ ‬11th Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Lesur,‭ ‬V.,‭ ‬‬Wardinski,‭ I.,‭ ‬MANDEA,‭ M.,‬ GRIMM-2:‭ ‬A core magnetic field model derived under flow constraints,‭ ‬11th Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬ IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Kotzé,‭ ‬P.‭‬B.,‭ MANDEA,‭ ‬M., Korte,‭ M., ‬Recent geomagnetic secular variation changes observed in southern africa,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬ IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Hemshorn,‭ ‬A.,‭ ‬‬MANDEA,‭ M.,‬‭ ‬Lesur,‭ V., ‬Regional modeling of the southern African secular variation,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬ Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Korte,‭ ‬M.,‭ ‬‬MANDEA,‭ M., ‬Matzka,‭ J., ‬Geomagnetic jerks seen in historical declination at Munich,‭ ‬11th Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Asari,‭ ‬S.,‭ ‬Lesur,‭ V., ‬MANDEA,‭ M.,‬Geomagnetic secular variation violating the frozen flux condition at the core surface,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬ IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Verbanac,‭ ‬G.,‭ ‬Korte,‭ ‬M.,‭ ‬MANDEA, M.,‭ ‬Rapid fluctuations of the earth's magnetic field over Europe‭ (‬1960-2001‭)‬ ,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬ Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Yahiat,‭ ‬Y.,‭ ‬‬Hamoudi,‭ ‬M.,‭ ‬MANDEA,‭ M.,‬ Geomagnetic jerk detection in the pogo scalar data,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Wardinski,‭ ‬I.,‭ ‬Dostal,‭ J., ‬MANDEA,‭ ‬M.,‭ ‬Thomas,‭ M., ‬Towards monitoring magnetic signals generated by ocean tides,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬ Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Olsen,‭ ‬N.,‭ ‬‬MANDEA, M.,‭ ‬Sabaka,‭ T.J., ‬Tøffner-Clausen, L., CHAOS-2:‭ ‬A‭ ‬geomagnetic field model derived from one decade of continuous satellite data,‭ ‬11th Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • MANDEA,‭ ‬M.,‭ ‬The core field-seen by von Humboldt,‭ ‬11th‭ ‬Scientific Assembly,‭ ‬IAGA‭ ‬2009,‭ ‬Sopron‭ (H)‬.

  • Cianchini, G., De Santis, A., Balasis, G., MANDEA, M., Qamili, E., Entropy based analysis of satellite magnetic data for searching possible e.m. signatures due to big earthquakes, EGU2009-5069, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Wardinski, I., Dostal, J., MANDEA, M,Thomas, M., Toward monitoring magnetic signals generated by ocean tides, EGU2009-2818, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Asari, S., Lesur, V., MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic secular variation violating the frozen-flux condition at the core surface, EGU2009-2392, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Olsen, N., MANDEA, M., Sabaka, T.J., Toeffner-Clausen, L., Rapid time changes of the Earth´ s magnetic field, EGU2009-6953, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Balasis, G., MANDEA, M., Lesur, V., A study of satellite magnetic data for signatures of extreme geophysical events, EGU2009-2568, EGU Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., Phenomenology of the geomagnetic jerks, Workshop "Terrestrial magnetism", International Space Science Institute, Bern (CH).

  • MANDEA, M., Korte, M., Earth's core magnetic field, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (HR).

  • Lesur, V., MANDEA, M., Magnetic field, SAMPLE (South Atlantic Margin Processes and Links with onshore Evolution) workshop, Benediktbeuern (DE).

  • Zaourar, N., R. Mebarki, L. Briqueu, M. MANDEA, M. Hamoudi, Wavelet analysis applied to InterMagnet data: Singularity detections related to geomagnetic storms, 1st Arab Conf. on Astronomy and Geophysics, Cairo (EG).

  • Yahiat, Y., M. Hamoudi, M. MANDEA, Les secousses géomagnétiques et les données satellitaires CHAMP, 4th Conference of African Association of Women Geoscientists (CAAWG), Cairo University (EG).

  • Hemshorn, A., Pulz, E., MANDEA, M., Korte, M., Auster, U., GAUSS - Improvements to the Geomagentic Automated SyStem, 13th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Golden and Boulder, Colorado (USA).

  • Korte, M., MANDEA, M., Kotzé, P., Utility and accuracy of geomagnetic repeat station surveys, 13th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Golden and Boulder, Colorado (USA).

  • Kotzé, P., MANDEA, M., Korte, M., Modelling secular variation over southern Africa using 2005, 2006 and 2007 field survey data, 13th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Golden and Boulder, Colorado (USA).

  • Linthe, H.-J., MANDEA, M., Korte, M., Installing a geomagnetic observatory at St. Helena island - a special challenge, 13th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Golden and Boulder, Colorado (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., Korte, M., Geomagnetic observatories - an improved network in the satellite era, 13th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Golden and Boulder, Colorado (USA).

  • Schachtschneider, R., Holschneider, M., MANDEA, M., Error Distribution in Regional Inversion of Potential Fields From Satellite Data, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP53A-0771, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., Olsen, N., Korte, M., Verbanac, V., Yahiat, Y., Rapid changes in the geomagnetic field: from global to regional scales, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP53A-0772, San Francisco (USA).

  • Lesur, V., Wardinski, I., Asari, S., MANDEA, M., Modeling the Earth's Core Magnetic Field Under Core Flow Constraints, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GP53B-05, San Francisco (USA).

  • Verbanac,G., Vrsnak, B., Korte, M., MANDEA, M., Temmer, M., Investigation of geomagnetic and solar activity over time span 1960-2001, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SH13A-1502, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., Magnetism and the Earth's core: where do we stand? GeoMag2008, Geological Institute of Romania (invited), Bucharest (RO).

  • MANDEA, M.,Quesnel, Y., Langlais, B., Costin, S., Sotin, C., Serpentinization of the Southern Martian crust: a possible scenario during Noachian, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July, in Montréal (CAN).

  • Jaumann, R., Spohn, T., Hiesinger, H., Jessberger, E.K., Neukum, G., Oberst, J., Helbert, J., Christensen, U., Keller, H. U., Hartogh, P., Glassmeier, K.-H., Auster, H.-U., Moreira, A., Werner, M., Pätzold, M., Palme, H., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., MANDEA, M., German Lunar Exploration Orbiter (LEO): Providing a Globally Covered, Highly Resolved, Integrated, Geological, Geochemical, and Geophysical Data Base of the Moon, 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX), Contribution No. 1391, held March 10-14, League City, Texas (USA).

  • MANDEA, M.and V. Lesur, Geomagnetic field and the Earth's core: where do we stand?, DAAD visit to Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing National Observatory of Athens (GR).

  • Olsen, N., MANDEA, M., Sabaka, T. J., xCHAOS - A Magnetic Field Model Derived from Nine Years of Recent Satellite Data (Poster), EGU2008-A-05466, EGU Vianna (A).

  • Lesur, V., Asari, S., Wardinski, I., MANDEA, M., Core magnetic field models under flow constraints (Poster), EGU2008-A-01215, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Wardinski, I., Lesur, V., Kuvshinov, A., MANDEA, M., The time-invariant ocean-magnetic field: Prediction and Observation (Poster), EGU2008-A-07944, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Costin, S.O. and MANDEA, M., Modelling a marine sediment paleomagnetic record from geodynamo simulations data (Poster), EGU2008-A-10642, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Asari, S., Lesur, V., MANDEA, M., Specifying geomagnetic secular variation violating frozen-flux condition at core surface (Poster), EGU2008-A-02554, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Minchev, B, Holschneider, M, Panet, I, MANDEA, M, Local magnetic field modeling with wavelets (Poster), EGU2008-A-09269, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Quesnel, Y., Costin, S., MANDEA, M., Sotin, C., Methane released by serpentinization of the early Martian crust (Poster), EGU2008-A-02392, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Quesnel, Y., Langlais, B., Costin, S., MANDEA, M., Sotin, C., Serpentinization of the Martian crust during Noachian (Talk), EGU2008-A-02389, EGU Vienna (A).

  • Balasis, G., MANDEA M., A study of CHAMP satellite magnetic data for electromagnetic signatures possibly related to earthquakes (Poster), EGU2008-A-02264, EGU Vienna (A).


  • Zubaidah T., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Y. Quesnel, B. Kanata, N. Arumdati, Monitoring of the existence of high intensity geomagnetic anomaly pattern along the Java Trench, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetic Phenomena, LAPAN-EMSEV-IUGG, Bandung (INA).

  • MANDEA, M. and N. Olsen, Will the Magnetic North Pole wind up in Siberia? AGU, Fall Meeting 2007, U31C-0502, San Francisco (USA).

  • Wardinski, I., V. Lesur, A. Kuvshinov, M. MANDEA, Ocean circulation generated magnetic signals: Application to geomagnetic field modeling, AGU, Fall Meeting 2007, GP33C-1441, San Francisco (USA).

  • Verberac, G., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Secular variation over Europe: a new view, AGU, Fall Meeting 2007, GP33D-1600, San Francisco (USA).

  • Verbanac, G., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Different approaches for removing the external field influences from the European geomagnetic observatory annual means. 3rd MagNetE European Repeat Station Workshop, Bucharest (RO).

  • Leblanc, F., B. Langlais, T. Fouchet, E. Chassefièire, C. Sotin, S. Barabash, V. Dehant, H. Lammer, M. MANDEA, S. Vennerstrom, A. Coates, D. Breuer, M. Paetzold, F. Forget, P. Tarits, M. Menvielle, P. Read, M. Lopez-Valverde, S. Lewis, A. Pais, Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter, European Mars Science and Exploration Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars ESTEC (NL).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, M. Menvielle, P. Tarits, S. Vennerstrom, Future Mars Magnetic Field Investigations, European Mars Science and Exploration Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars ESTEC (NL).

  • MANDEA, M., What have we learnt from the geomagnetic field during the satellite age?, SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting & Exhibition, Wild Coast Sun (SA), invited keynote.

  • MANDEA, M., Planetary magnetism: from deep interior to deep space, 88. Sitzung der Geokommission, Munich (DE).

  • Lesur, V., I. Wardinski, M. Rother, Y. Quesnel, M. MANDEA, Lithospheric componenet of GRIMM - the GFZ Reference Internal Magnetic Model, Geothechnologien, Munich (DE).

  • MANDEA, M., V. Lesur, M. Rother, Y. Quesnel, M. Hamoudi, E. Thébault, World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, GAMMA - the GFZ contribution, Geothechnologien, Munich (DE).

  • Minchev, B., M. Holschneider, M. MANDEA, A. Chambodut, I. Patent, E. Scholl, Data compression for global field modelling, Geothechnologien, Munich (DE).

  • Jaumann, R. T. Spohn, H. Hiesinger, E. K. Jessberger, G. Neukum, J. Oberst, J. Helbert, U. Christensen, H.U. Keller, U. Mall, H. Böhnhardt, P. Hartogh, K.-H. Glassmeier, H.-U. Auster, A. Moreira, M. Werner, M. Pätzold, H. Palme, R. Wimmer-Schweingruber, M. MANDEA, V. Lesur, B. Häusler, A. Hördt, K. Eichentopf, E. Hauber, H. Hoffmann, U. Köhler, E. Kührt, H. Michaelis, M. Pauer, F. Sohl, T. Denk, S. van Gasselt, Lunar Exploration Orbiter (LEO), Europlanet meeting, Potsdam (DE).

  • Quesnel, Y., C. Sotin, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, Serpentinization of the Martian early lithosphere to produce magnetite and H2, Europlanet meeting, Potsdam (DE).

  • Lammer, H., F, Leblanc, B. Langlais, T. Fouchet, E. Chassefière, C. Sotin, S. Barabash, V. Dehant, M. MANDEA, S. Vennerstrom, A. Coates, D. Breuer, M. Pätzold, F. Forget, P. Tarits, M. Menvielle, P. Read, M. Lopez-Valverde, S. Lewis, A. Pais, MEMO: Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter: a Cosmic Vision proposal, Europlanet meeting, Potsdam (DE).

  • MANDEA, M., Platforms and data for a detailed mapping of the geomagnetic field, (solicited Union lecture), IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • MANDEA, M., M. Korte and J. Linthe, Towards an improvement of the geomagnetic observatory network, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Korte, M. and M. MANDEA, On the quality of geomagnetic observatory hourly means since IGY, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Korte, M. and M. MANDEA, Changes in magnetic pole and dipole orientation during the last 7 millennia, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Olsen, N. and M. MANDEA, On Recent Geomagnetic Jerks, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Hamoudi, M., E. Thébault, V. Lesur and M. MANDEA, GeoForschungsZentrum Anomaly Magnetic Map (GAMMA): A candidate model for the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Hamoudi, M., V. Lesur, A. Chambodut, E. Thébault, Y. QUesnel and M. MANDEA, Spectral Analysis of the Global Lithospheric Magnetic Anomaly Field derived from Airborne, shipborne, and satellite Data, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Hemant, K., E. Thébault, M. MANDEA and S. Maus, Magnetic anomaly map of the world: merging satellite, airborne, marine and ground-based magnetic data sets, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Kotzé, P., M. MANDEA and M. Korte, Geomagnetic field models for Southern Africa during 2005-2006, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Korhonen, J., C. Reeves, S. Maus, S. Mclean, M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, T. Litvinova and P. Milligan, World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map (WDMAM), 2007 Edition, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Lesur, V., I. Wardinski, M. Rother and M. MANDEA, A new magnetic field model for years 2001-2006 based on satellite and observatory vector data, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Linthe, J., M. MANDEA, M. Korte and E. Clarke, Near real-time availability of the K based geomagnetic indices Kp, ap, Ap and Cp, {\it IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Mozzoni, D., M. MANDEA and J. Cain, Magnetic Perturbations seen by CHAMP and evaluated using the TIE-GCM, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Quesnel, Y., V. Lesur, M. Hamoudi and M. MANDEA, Analysis and processing of marine magnetic measurements to construct a magnetic anomaly grid at regional scale, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Shevtsov, B., V. Kuznetsov, K. Yumoto, T. Kikuchi, M. MANDEA, J. Rasson, M. Shinohara, S. Smirnov, I. Babakhanov, S. Nechaev, S. Khomutov, N. Cherneva, I. Poddelskiy, M. Basalaev and A. Zaitzev, Prospects of the Far-Eastern observatories in the framework of International Programs of Geophysical Polar Year, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Verbanac, G., M. Korte and M. MANDEA, European geomagnetic observatories: quality and role in understanding the secular variation, IUGG XXIV Assembly, Perugia (IT).

  • Korte, M., M. MANDEA and P. Kotzé, Geomagnetic field changes over southern Africa (Poster), EGU2007-A-02810, Vienna (A).

  • Quesnel, Y., B. Langlais, M. MANDEA and C. Sotin, Adjacent Martian lithospheric magnetized sources characterized by multi-altitude magnetic measurements Thursday (Poster), EGU2007-A-02889, Vienna (A).

  • Balasis, G. and M. MANDEA, CHAMP satellite observations during recent destructive megathrust earthquakes (Talk), EGU2007-A-02314, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M. and G. Balasis, Occurence of catastrophic geophysical events (Talk), EGU2007-A-02320, Vienna (A).

  • Olsen, N. and M. MANDEA, On the geomagnetic jerk of 2003 (Talk), EGU2007-A-06724, Vienna (A).

  • Wardinski, I., R. Holme and M. MANDEA, Time-dependent core surface flow models and the 2003 jerk (Poster), EGU2007-A-08710, Vienna (A).

  • Hemshorn, A, M. Mandea, U. Auster, E. Pulz and M. Korte, GAUSS - A Geomagnetic AUtomated SyStem for measuring the Earth's magnetic field (Poster), EGU2007-A-01745, Vienna (A).

  • Korte, M., M. MANDEA and N. Olsen, Worldwide observatory hourly mean values 1995 to 2003: an investigation of their quality (Poster), EGU2007-A-02799, Vienna (A).

  • Hamoudi, M., E. Thébault, V. Lesur, Y. Quesnel, and M. MANDEA, GeoForschungsZentrum Anomaly Magnetic Map (GAMMA): Candidate modelfor the WDMAM (Poster), EGU2007-A-08414, Vienna (A).

  • Minchev, B., A. Chambodut, M. Holschneider and M. MANDEA, Global magnetic field modelling using local multipolar expansions (Poster), EGU2007-A-11167, Vienna (A).

  • Leblanc, F., E. Chassefière, B. Langlais, C. Sotin, S. Barabash, A. Coates, V. Dehant, H. Lammer, M. MANDEA and S. Vennerstrom, the MEMO team The Mars Escape and Magnetic Orbiter: a Cosmic Vision mission proposal (Talk), EGU2007-A-11239, Vienna (A).

  • Verbanac, G., H. Luehr, M. Rother, M. Korte and M. MANDEA, Contributions of the external field to the observatory annual means and a proposal for their corrections (Poster), EGU2007-A-11070, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M. and N. Olsen, Short Period Secular Variation Seen in Satellite Data, AGU, Fall Meeting 2006, GP41A-01, San Francisco (USA).

  • Lesur, V., E. Thébault, M. Rother and M. MANDEA, Separating the Internal and External Field Contributions in Geomagnetic Models, AGU, Fall Meeting 2006, GP42A-03, San Francisco (USA).

  • Hamoudi, M., E. Thébault, M. Rother, V. Lesur and M. MANDEA, Improvement of the lithospheric magnetic anomaly field using satellite and airborne measurements, AGU, Fall Meeting 2006, GP43A-1009, San Francisco (USA).

  • Minchev, B., M. Holschneider, A. Chambodut, M. MANDEA and I. Panet, Moment-based data reduction in the potential fields modeling, AGU, Fall Meeting 2006, GP43A-1013, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic Jerks: from magnetic observatories to satellites, from the Earth's surface to the Top of the Core, National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad (India).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic Jerks: from magnetic observatories to satellites, from the Earth's surface to the Top of the Core, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG), Mumbai (IN).

  • MANDEA, M., The recent geomagnetic field seen by CHAMP et al..., GFZ - Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, GFZ Potsdam (DE)

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic Variations: Spatio-temporal structure, processes, and effects on system Earth, DFG Priority Program, International Final Colloquium, Braunschweig (DE).

  • MANDEA, M., The recent geomagnetic field seen by CHAMP et al..., DFG Priority Program, International Final Colloquium, Braunschweig (DE).

  • Thébault, E., M. Hamoudi, M. Rother, V. Lesur and M. MANDEA, Improvement of lithospheric magnetic anomaly maps by using satellite and airborne measurements, GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, Observation of System Earth from Space, Bonn (D).

  • Kotzé, P.B., M. MANDEA, M. Korte, E. Nehayo and B. Pretorius, A New Geomagnetic Field Model for Southern Africa, 4th Inkaba yeAfrica Scientific Workshop, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam (D).

  • MANDEA, M., M. Korte, P.B. Kotzé, Magnetic field across Southern African Continent and its unique behavior, 4th Inkaba yeAfrica Scientific Workshop, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam (D).

  • Korte M., P.B. Kotzé, M. MANDEA, E. Nahayo and B. Pretorius, Improved Observation at the Southern African Geomagnetic Repeat Station Network, 4th Inkaba yeAfrica Scientific Workshop, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam (D).

  • Korte, M., and M. MANDEA, Magnetic poles and dipole tilt variation over the past decades to millennia, The 10th Symposium of SEDI, Prague (CZ).

  • MANDEA, M and M. Korte, Changing magnetic field across Southern African Continent: a unique behavior, The 10th Symposium of SEDI, Prague (CZ).

  • Auster, H.-U., M. MANDEA, A. Hemshorn, E. Pulz, and M. Korte (INVITED), An Automatic Instrument to Measure the Absolute Components of the Earth's Magnetic Field, XII IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (PL).

  • Korte, M., P.B. Kotzé, M. MANDEA, M. Fredow, E. Nahayo, and B. Pretorius, Towards Better Observation of the Geomagnetic Field in Repeat Station Networks, XII IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (PL).

  • Kotzé, P.B., M. MANDEA, M. Korte, E. Nahayo, and B. Pretorius, Modeling of Southern African Secular Variation Observations, XII IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (PL).

  • Linthe, H.-J., I. Cholakov, and M. MANDEA, Panagjurishte Observatory Upgrade for INTERMAGNET, XII IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (PL).

  • MANDEA, M., M. Korte and N. Olsen, On the Global Dataset of Observatory Hourly Mean Values from 1995 to 2003, XII IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (PL).

  • MANDEA, M. and M. Korte, Towards an Improvement of the Geomagnetic Observatory Network, XII IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (PL).

  • MANDEA, M., The Hermean magnetic field: lessons from the Earth to understand the Mercury's interior, ISSI Workshop Mercury, Bern (CH).

  • Thébault, E. and M. MANDEA, From global to regional high resolution magnetic anomaly maps, First Swarm International Science Meeting, Nantes (FR).

  • Schachtschneider, R., G. Balasis, M. Rother and M.MANDEA, Wavelet-based selection of satellite sata for geomagnetic core field modeling, First Swarm International Science Meeting, Nantes (FR).

  • Mozzoni, D.T., M. MANDEA and J.C. Cain, CHAMP and TIE-GCM magnetic perturbation comparisons, First Swarm International Science Meeting, Nantes (FR).

  • Chassefière, E., B. Langlais, F. Leblanc, C. Sotin, S. Barabash, V. Dehant, M. Dougherty, H.S. Lammer, M. MANDEA and S. Vennerstrom, MEMO: Mars Escape and Magnetic Orbiter, EPSC2006-A-00033, Berlin (D).

  • Purucker, M and M. MANDEA, Remanent magnetization, or self-generation (Terra Cimmeria, Mars), EPSC2006-A-00074, Berlin (D).

  • Thébault, E, M. MANDEA and M. Purucker, A statistical study of the Martian craters from magnetism, EPSC2006-A-00244, Berlin (D).

  • Quesnel, Y., B. Langlais, M. MANDEA and C. Sotin, Inversion of adjacent martian lithospheric magnetic anomalies to investigate early Mars geological processes, EPSC2006-A-00099, Berlin (D).

  • Thébault, E., K. Hemant, M. Korte and M. MANDEA, High Accuracy modelling of the magnetic field in Europe, EGU06-A-06490, Vienna (A).

  • Hemant, K., E. Thébault, M. MANDEA, D.N. Ravat and S. Maus, World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map \u2013 progress report, EGU06-A-03609, Vienna (A).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, M. Menvielle, P. Tarits and C. Sotin, Measurements as a Tool for Mercury's Exploration, EGU06-A-05789, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M. (INVITED), Changing magnetic field across Southern Africa: onset of a reversal? EGU06-A-11012, Vienna (A).

  • Balasis, G. and M. MANDEA, Development of intense magnetic storms. EGU06-A-03019, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M.,M.A. Pais and R. Guedes Junior, Revised Backus series for modeling the intrinsic errors in scalar magnetic models, EGU06-A-03093, Vienna (A).

  • Olsen, N. and M. MANDEA, A new approach to directly determine the secular variation from magnetic satellite observations, EGU06-A-04041, Vienna (A).

  • Thébault, E., M. MANDEA and J.J. Schott, Contributions of regional modelling techniques to the Swarm mission, EGU06-A-06728, Vienna (A).

  • Verbanac, G., M. Korte and M. MANDEA, Lithospheric and external geomagnetic field contributions in European observatory annual means, EGU06-A-00136, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., The Earth's magnetic field at the satellite era, EMBL - ESRF - ILL Joint Colloquium, Grenoble (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., The Martian magnetic field: what does it told us about the planet history? (solicited), Seminario do Centro de Fisica Computational, Coimbra (PT).
  • MANDEA, M., Decadal to Millennial Changes in the Magnetic Pole Positions and Dipole (solicited), AGU, Fall Meeting 2005, GP44A-01, San Francisco (USA).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, M. Menvielle, P. Tarits and C. Sotin, Magnetic Field Measurements As A Tool For Planetary Exploration, AGU, Fall Meeting 2005, GP43A-0887, San Francisco (USA).

  • Hemant, K., E. Thébault, M. MANDEA, D. Ravat, S. Maus, Merging airborne, marine and ground-based magnetic anomaly maps with satellite derived lithospheric field models, AGU, Fall Meeting 2005, GP23B-06, San Francisco (USA).

  • Dormy, E., and M. MANDEA, Tracking Geomagnetic Impulses at the Core-Mantle Boundary, AGU, Fall Meeting 2005, GP21A-0003, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA M., Investigating the Earth's magnetism from observatories to satellites (solicited), Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic observatories - a need for the new satellite era? (solicited), Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • Balasis, G., D. Vassiliadis, P. Kapiris, M. MANDEA and K. Eftaxias, From normal state to magnetic storms in terms of fractal dynamics, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • Langlais, B., N. Olsen, M. MANDEA, Data-based tests of geomagnetic field models, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • Chambodut, A. and M. MANDEA, Analysis of geomagnetic observatory series: from second to annual, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • Korte, M., E. Thébault,M. MANDEA, M.Fredow, Benefits from European repeat station data in regional modelling, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., N. Olsen, M. Korte, J. Linthe, Long series of hourly mean values - a challenge for IGY+50, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Petrus Peregrinus: a geomagnetist in the Middle Ages, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • Purucker, M. and M. MANDEA, New research directions based on the WDMAM, Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Toulouse (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Earth's magnetic field and its variations: from decadal to one-second, Biomagnetism and Magnetoreception workshop, Paris (FR).

  • Panet, I., A. Chambodut, L. Amsel, M. Holschneider, M. Diament, M. MANDEA, O. Jamet, Wavelet frame descriptions of Earth's potential fields : applications to magnetic and gravity fields, EGU05-A-06980, EUG, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M. Geomagnetic jerks: observation, theoretical modeling, and implications, EGU05-A-03234, EUG, Vienna (A).

  • Eymin, C., A. Chambodut, M. MANDEA, Geomagnetic jerks at the top of the core, EGU05-A-08403, EUG, Vienna (A).

  • Balasis, G., D. Vassiliadis, P. Kapiris, M. MANDEA, K. Eftaxias, From normal state to magnetic storms in terms of fractal dynamics, EGU05-A-01767, EUG, Vienna (A).

  • Thébault, E., J.J. Schott, M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, S. Maus, The feasibility of the Revised Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (R-SCHA): Examples of regional magnetic models and interpretation, EGU05-A-04019,EUG, Vienna (A).

  • Chambodut, A., and M. MANDEA, C. Eymin, Geomagnetic jerks detected from comprehensive magnetic field models, EGU05-A-05165, EUG, Vienna (A).

  • Pais, M. A., and M. MANDEA, Why we should expect the `Backus effect' to be time dependent, EGU05-A-09492, EUG, Vienna (A).

  • MANDEA, M., K. Telali, French contribution to the European Repeat Station Network, 2nd Workshop on the European geomagnetic repeat station survey, IGC, Warsaw (PL).

  • MANDEA, M., On errors in measuring the magnetic field, 2nd Workshop on the European geomagnetic repeat station survey, IGC, Warsaw (PL).

  • Chambodut, A., I. Panet, M. MANDEA, M. Diament, O. Jamet, M. Holschneider, Wavelet Frames: an alternative to spherical harmonic representation of magnetic and gravity potential fields?, AGU, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., Magnetic field and secular variation: windows to the Earth's deep interior, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Rome, (solicited by Angelo De Santis), (IT).

  • MANDEA, M., Magnetic field and secular variation: windows to the Earth's deep interior, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, (solicited by Hisashi Utada, (JP).

  • Fouassier, D., M. MANDEA, J-J. Schott, G. Juste, French Contribution to INTERMAGNET Program,XIth IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Kakioka (JP).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic Observatories - A Need for the Satellite Epoch? XIth IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Kakioka (solicited),(JP).

  • Langlais, B., J.M. Léger, M. MANDEA, C. Sotin, Mercury's magnetic field compared to that of other Earth-like planets: development of a new generation of magnetometers for Bepi-Colombo, COSPAR 35th scientific assembly, Paris (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., M. Roharik, Satellite data selection for internal geomagnetic field modelling, EUG, Nice (FR).

  • Chambodut, A., I. Panet, M. MANDEA, M.Diament, O. Jamet, M. Holschneider, Wavelet frames: an alternative to the spherical harmonic representation of potential fields?, EUG, Nice (FR).

  • Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, M. Holcshneider, Modelling the Earth's magnetic field using wavelets frame, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Chave, A.D., J.W. Bailey, S. Beaulieu, R. Butler, F.K. Duennebier, J.H. Filloux, D. Harris, M. MANDEA, J.A. Orcutt, K. Smith, R. Stephen, P. Tarits, F.L. Vernon, 2003 and 2004 Upgrades and Additions to the Hawaii-2 Observatory, The 3rd International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, Tokyo (JP).

  • Tarits, P., M. MANDEA, M. Calzas, C. Drezen, A. Dubreule, Seafloor Geomagnetic Observatories, The 3rd International Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, Tokyo (JP).

  • Wardinski I., M. MANDEA, R. Holme, The origin of geomagnetic jerks, revisited, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Chambodut A., M. MANDEA, M. Holcshneider, Satellite data and wavelets frames. A new view of the Earth's magnetic field, CHAMP 2nd Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Maus S., H. Luehr, G. Balasis, M. Rother, M. MANDEA, Introducing POMME, the Potsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth, CHAMP 2nd Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Schwarte J., A. Chambodut, H. Luehr, M. MANDEA, R. Holme, Modelling the Earth's magnetic field of magnetospheric origin from CHAMP vector data, CHAMP 2nd Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Tarits, P., M. MANDEA, A. Chave, X. Garcia, M. Calzas, C. Drezen, A. Dubreule, J. Bailey, The French-US program of sea floor geomagnetic observatories, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Chave, A., K. Smith, S. Beaulieu, J.H. Filloux, P. Tarits, M. MANDEA, F.K. Due, 2003 upgrades and additions to the Hawaii-2 observatory, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Tarits, P., M. MANDEA, The electrical conductivity structure of the European lower mantle, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Langlais, B., M. Purucker, M. MANDEA, The crustal magnetic field of Mars: its implications on the lithosphere properties, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Tarits, P., M. MANDEA, Sea floor geomagnetic observatories: the French program, IUGG2003 Assmbly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Korte, M., M. MANDEA, European geomagnetic repeat station network, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Schwarte, J., A. Chambodut, H. Luehr, M. MANDEA, Magnetic signature of magnetospheric sources in CHAMP data, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Maus, S., M. Korte, G. Balasis, H. Luehr, M. MANDEA, Main and lithospheric field models from CHAMP vector data, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • MANDEA, M., Geomagnetic reference field models: a given tool to describethe main field, (solicited) IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, B. Langlais, Geomagnetic field models for epochs 1995 and 2000, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Thébault, E., Schott J.-J., M. MANDEA, Spherical cap harmonic analysis revisited, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, M. Holschneider, Modelling the Earth's magnetic field using wavelets frames, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Atanasiu, L., M. MANDEA, Analysis of the regional magnetic field and its secular variations over the Romanian territory, IUGG2003 Assembly, Sapporo (JP).

  • Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, G. Hulot, Do Gauss coefficients see the geomagnetic jerks ? EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • Langlais, B., M. Purucker, M. MANDEA, The crustal magnetic field of Mars: its correlation with some impact craters, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Martien magnetic field: What have we learned from the latest missions? What about the upcoming missions? (solicited) EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • Purucker, M., J. Connerney, M. MANDEA, G. Hulot, A test for secular variation of the Martian magnetic field, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., F. Primdhal, M.H. Acuna, G. Chanteur, Y. Cohen, J.E.P. Connerney, E. Friis-Christensen, G. Hulot, B. Langlais, M. Menvielle, M. Purucker, N. Olsen, K. Schwingenschuh, P. Tarits, S. Vennerstrm, et M. Wieczorek, External and internal magnetic fields at Mars: New results and upcoming missions, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, (FR).

  • Théault, E., J.-J. Schott, MANDEA, M., A new proposal for Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • Menvielle, M., M. MANDEA, F. Primdahl, Synergies between the MagNet/NetLander experiment and a magnetic experiment onboard an orbiter, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., IGRF/DGRF - a given tool describing the main geomagnetic field ? (solicited) EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice (FR).

  • MANDEA, M., Magnetic repeat station measurements in France: from 1948 to 2002, Workshop on European geomagnetic repeat station surveys, Niemegk (DE).

  • MANDEA, M., Le champ magnétique terrestre et ses variations Olympiade colombophile, Lievin.

  • Menvielle, M., F. Primdahl, P. Brauer, P.-A. Jensen, J.M. Merayo, J.-J. Berthelier, G. Chanteur, M. MANDEA, W. Magnes, G. Musmann, K. Pajunpaa, J.-L. Pinén, K. Schwingenschuh, L. Szarka, S. Vennerstrm, The MagNet/NetLander experiment , 4th Ørsted International Science Team Conference, Copenhagen (DK).

  • Schwarte, J., A. Chambodut, M. MANDEA, H. Lühr, Parameterisation of external magnetic fields from CHAMP vector data, 4th Ørsted International Science Team Conference, Copenhagen (DK).

  • Chambodut, A., J. Schwarte, M. MANDEA, H. Lüher, The selection of data in main field models, 4th Ørsted International Science Team Conference, Copenhagen (DK).

  • Hulot, C., C. Eymin, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, Small-scale structure of the Geodynamo inferred from Ørsted and Magsat satellite data, 4th Ørsted International Science Team Conference, Copenhagen (DK).

  • Langlais, B., M. Purucker, and M. MANDEA, The orientation of the magnetization in the martian lithosphere, AGU spring meeting, Washington (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., J. Bittely, J.-L. Le Mouël, J.-J. Schott, R. Louat, French contribution in Monitoring the magnetic field, Xth IAGA Workshop, Hermanus (SA).

  • Kormendi, A., M. MANDEA, The first decade of INTERMAGNET base-lines, Xth IAGA Workshop, Hermanus (SA).

  • MANDEA, M., 60, 59, 58... How many minutes for a reliable hourly mean?, Xth IAGA Workshop, Hermanus (SA).

  • Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, M. Holschneider, Modelling the Earth's magnetic field: wavelet basis and standard methods, CHAMP 1st Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Hulot, G., B. Langlais, C. Eymin, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, Small-scale structure dynamics of the geodynamo inferred from Ørsted and MAGSAT satellite data, CHAMP 1st Science Meeting, GFZ, Potsdam (DE).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA and M. Purucker, Sur l'aimantation de la lithosphère martienne, Rúnion des Sciences de la Terre, Nantes.

  • MANDEA, M., La boussole, la déclinaison et... la longitude, IPGP, Paris.

  • MANDEA, M., Des observatoires magnétiques au XXIeme siècle? IPGP, Saint-Maur.

  • MANDEA, M., A la recherche du Pôle perdu... AG du CNFGG, Paris.

  • Bellanger, E., J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA, E. Blanter, The irregular variations of the external geomagnetic field from INTERMAGNET data, AGU Fall Meeting, SanFransisco (USA).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, A new study of observatory crustal magnetic biases using Ørsted data, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • Langlais, B., M. Purucker, M. MANDEA, A magnetic map of Mars: derivation and interpretation, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, High degree and order secular variation models derived from MAGSAT and Ørsted data, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • MANDEA, M., Four centuries of French contributions in understanding the Earth's magnetic field, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • Le Mouël, J.-L., E. Bellanger, M. MANDEA, E. Blanter, Average absolute daily first derivatives of the magnetic field components. Worldwide distribution and temporal properties, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • Bitterly, M., M. MANDEA, J. Bitterly, History of magnetic observatories in Metropolitan France, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • Bitterly, J., M. Bitterly, M. MANDEA, French contribution in monitoring the Earth's magnetic field, IAGA-IASPEI, Hanoi (VN).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, Martian magnetic field: from Mars Global Surveyor to Netlander, 2nd NetLander scientific workshop, Nantes (FR).

  • Purucker, M., B. Langlais, G. Hulot, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, A new global lithospheric magnetization model validated and refined using new satellite observations, AGU spring meeting, Boston, (USA).

  • Purucker, M., B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, Terrestrial and Martian magnetizations of lithospheric origin: Comparative Planetology, AGU spring meeting, Boston (USA).

  • Purucker, M., B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, Interpretation of a magnetic map of the Valles Marineris region, Mars, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., G. Hulot, B. Langlais, A. Chulliat, A. Pais, C. Eymin, Main Field, Secular Variation, and Core Flows. Improvement Brought by the Ørsted Satellite Mission, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Purucker, M., B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, On the origin of the strongly magnetic features South of the Martian Crustal Dichotomy, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Purucker, M, G. Hulot, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, Magnetic fields of high degree measured by Ørsted and their interpretation,AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Bellanger, E., J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA et S. Labrosse, Chandler wobble and geomagnetic jerks, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, Hulot G., Chulliat A., Ultré-Guérard P., Cohen Y., From Magsat to Ørsted: comparison of the 1980 and 1999 main magnetic fields, SEDI Meeting, Exeter (UK).

  • Bellanger, E., J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA et S. Labrosse, Chandler wobble and geomagnetic jerks, SEDI Meeting, Exeter (UK).

  • Tarits, P., G. Hulot, M. Menvielle, M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Y. Cohen, J. Dyment, B. Langlais, AMPERE and French contribution to the 'Decade of Geopotential Research', AGU Spring Meeting, Washington (USA).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, G. Hulot, A. Chulliat, P. Ultré Guérard, Y. Cohen, From Magsat to Ørsted: Comparison of the 1980 and 1999 main magnetic fields, AGU Spring Meeting, Washington (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., French magnetic observation and theory at the time of DE MAGNETE, AGU Spring Meeting, Washington (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., How well is the main-field secular variation known?, IXth IAGA Workshop, Hurbanovo (Slovakia).

  • Bitterly, J., M. Bitterly, M. MANDEA, Study of baseline values over long time period at Chambon la forêt observatory, IXth IAGA Workshop, Hurbanovo (Slovakia).

  • MANDEA, M., International Geomagnetic Reference Field - 2000, IXth IAGA Workshop, Hurbanovo (Slovakia).

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, G. Hulot, A. Chulliat, P. Ultré-Guérard, Y. Cohen, From MAGSAT to ØRSTED: Comparison of the 1980 and 1999 main field models, OIST meeting, Grasse (France).

  • Hulot, G., A. Chulliat, A. Pais, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, Core surface flows derived from ØRSTED data, tests and first estimates, OIST meeting, Grasse (France).

  • MANDEA, M., Quatre siècles du magnétisme terrestre, RST -- 18è, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Paris.

  • Langlais, B., Ultré-Guérad, MANDEA M., Cohen Y., G. Hulot, Le champ magnétique terrestre en 1999: premiers résultats du satellite Ørsted, it RST -- 18è Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Paris.

  • Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, P. Ultré-Guérard, G. Hulot, Y. Cohen, Preliminary results from the Ørsted satellite. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • MANDEA, M., M. Le Huy, J-L. Le Mouel, D. Gibert, Time evolution of the fluid flow at the top of the core. Geomagnetic jerks. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (USA).

  • Langlais, B., P. Ultré-Guérard and M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Use of satellite data for separation of internal and external sources in geomagnetic field modelling, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., About the electrical conductivity of the lower mantle, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • Pais, A., G. Hulot, M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Does the geomagnetic secular variation anticipate or with decade length of day variations? IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M. Le Huy, A. Pais, J-L. Le Mouel, G. Hulot, Core motions and geomagnetic impulses, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M. and J.-L. Le Mouël, Quality assurance of Chambon la Foret geomagnetic data by inter-comparison of magnetometers, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • Tarits, P. and M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, The french program of seafloor geomagnetic observatories, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • Langlais, B., P. Ultré-Guérard, G. Hulot, Y. Cohen, M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Searching for an optimal satellite network for monitoring fast changes within the earth's main magnetic field, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • Cohen, Y., G. Hulot, M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, P. Ultré-Guérard, B. Langlais, C. Vernin, J.L. Le Mouel, Preliminary results from the danish satellite oersted, a report from the IPGP group, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • Tarits, P. and M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Geodynamical implications of the heterogeneous electrical conductivity structure of the mid-mantle, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., A Jackson, A Murray, Earth's magnetic field in the 18th and 19th centuries from French archival data, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • Ultre-Guérard, P. and M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, A French revolution in geomagnetism: scientific debate and declination measurements in the early 17th century, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M. and Benoit Langlais, A model of geomagnetic field at epoch 2000, IUGG XXI, Birmingham (UK).

  • MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., Variations magnétiques de l'époque de Halley à nos jours, CNES, Toulouse.

  • Tarits, P., ALEXANDRESCU M, Seafloor geomagnetic observatories and the 3D induction in the Earth, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (U.S.A.).

  • Ultré-Guérard, P., ALEXANDRESCU M, Langlais B., Separation of internal and external sources in geomagnetic field modelling, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (U.S.A.).

  • Ultré-Guérard, P., ALEXANDRESCU M, Cohen Y., The Netlander mission: an opportunity to have magnetic field observatories at the surface of Mars, Netlander workshop, Paris (France).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Le Mouël J.-L., Quality assurance of geomagnetic data by intercomparison of three observatory magnetic data, Geomagnetic Observatories, instruments, data acquisition and processing -- the VIIIth workshop, Vassouras (Brasil).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Le Mouël J.-L., Half-century of magnetic repeat station stations measurements in France, Geomagnetic Observatories, instruments, data acquisition and processing -- the VIIIth workshop, Vassouras (Brasil).

  • Tarits, P., ALEXANDRESCU M, 3D analysis of very long period geomagnetic data, Electromagnetic induction in the Earth -- the 14th workshop, Sinaia, (Romania).

  • Lemonnier, C., Perrier F., Tarits P., ALEXANDRESCU M, Petiau G., Determination of the upper mantle electrical conductivity, Electromagnetic induction in the Earth -- the 14th workshop, Sinaia, (Romania).

  • Menvielle, M., Musmann G., ALEXANDRESCU M, Contribution of surface magnetic recordings at a network of stations to planetary exploration, 6th symposium of SEDI, Tours (France).

  • Le Huy, M., ALEXANDRESCU M, Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., On the characteristics of succesive geomagnetic jerks, 6th symposium of SEDI, Tours (France).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Half-century of magnetic repeat station stations measurements in France, EGS XXIII, Nice (France).

  • Kormendi, A., ALEXANDRESCU M, Le Mouël J.-L., Rasmussen O., Initial results from analysis of periodic and secular variation by LabVIEW + HiQ, EGS XXIII, Nice (France).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Variations magnétiques de l'époque de Halley à nos jours, LGIT, Grenoble.

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Courtillot V., Le Mouël J.-L., Geomagnetic field in Western Europe over the last four centuries, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala (Suède).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Geomagnetic Field Observer: Producer and User of Data, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala (Suède).

  • Ultré-Guérard, P., Jault D., ALEXANDRESCU M, How the OERSTED data will improve our knowledge of the Earth's main magnetic field during the 1980-1997 period, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala (Suède).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Requirements for monthly mean series from geomagnetic observatories, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala (Suède).

  • Panteleev, A., Cohen Y., ALEXANDRESCU M, Methodology to treat definitive satellite data: from MAGSAT to OERSTED, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala (Suède).

  • Le Mouël, J.-L., ALEXANDRESCU M, Magnetic observatories and internal geomagnetic field, 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, Uppsala (Suède).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Courtillot V., Le Mouël J.-L., The geomagnetic field direction in Paris and London since the mid-XVIth century, EUG 9, Strasbourg (France).

  • Courtillot, V., ALEXANDRESCU M, Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Joe Kirschink, Sensitivity and evolution of sea-turtle magnetoreceptio: a discussion of observations, modelling and constraints from geomagnetic secular variation, Orientation and Navigation - birds, humans and other animals, RIN 97, Oxford (Great Britain).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., La mission scientifique des observatoires géomagnétiques, CNFGG, Paris.

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Constraints from magnetic field measurements on the electrical conductivity of the lower mantle, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (U.S.A.).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Courtillot V., Le Mouël J.-L., Geomagnetic field direction in Paris since the mid-XVIth century, Geomagnetic Observatories, instruments, data acquisition and processing -- the VIIth workshop, Niemegk (Germany).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Geomagnetic observatories: past, present and future? Geomagnetic Observatories, instruments, data acquisition and processing -- the VIIth workshop, Niemegk (Germany).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Le champ géomagnétique vu par les observatoires, Seminaire à l'Institut de Geodynamique ``Sabba Stefanescu'', Bucarest (Romania).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., Geomagnetic jerks and the electrical conductivity of the lower mantle, Electromagnetic induction in the Earth -- the 13th workshop, Onuma, Hokkaido (Japon).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., Worldwide wavelet analysis of geomagnetic jerks, EGS XXI The Hague (The Netherlands).

  • Hongre, L., Sailhac, P., ALEXANDRESCU M, Dubois, J., Chaotic characteristics of the magnetic field, EGS XXI The Hague (The Netherlands).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., Detection of geomagnetic jerks using wavelet analysis, EUG 8, Strasbourg (France).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., A study of geomagnetic jerk detection and the geodynamo using wavelet analysis, IUGG XXI, Boulder, Colorado (U.S.A.).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Ha Duyen C, Le Mouël J.-L., Geomagnetic Observatories and field modelling, IUGG XXI, Boulder, Colorado (U.S.A.).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., Characterisation of secular variation in geomagnetic field using time-scale analysis, Wavelet and Signal Processing, à Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut fur Oberwolfach (Germany).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G., Caractérisation de la variation séculaire du champ géomagnétique à l'aide d'une analyse temps-échelle, Congrès général de physique, Marseille.

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Gibert D., Hulot G., Le Mouël J.-L., Saracco G. Wavelet analysis of long term series of European observatories to localize and characterize geomagnetic jerks, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco (U.S.A.).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Geomagnetic observatories and field modelling, Geomagnetic Observatories, instruments, data acquisition and processing -- the VIth workshop, Dourbes, (Belgium).

  • ALEXANDRESCU, M., Some aspects of secular variation of geomagnetic field in Romania, IUGG XX, Vienne (Austria).
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