Papers (ISI journals)
Lim, K. W., R. Deguen, D. Cébron, A. Schulze, M. MANDEA, Compaction-driven convection
in the growing inner core, Geophysical Research Letters, 51,, 2024.
Balasis, G., A. De Santis, C. Papadimitriou, A.Z. Boutsi, G. Cianchini, O. Giannakis, S.M. Potirakis,
M. MANDEA, Swarm Investigation of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) Pulsation and Plasma Irregularity
Signatures Potentially Associated with Geophysical Activity, Remote Sens. ,
16, 3506., 2024.
Lecomte, H., S Rosat, M. MANDEA, Gap filling between GRACE and GRACE-FO missions:
assessment of interpolation techniques, Journal of Geodesy , 98, 10.1007/s00190-024-01917-3, 2024.
Ginisty, F., F. Wrobel, R. Ecoffet, M. MANDEA, A. Michez, N. Balcon, M. Ruffenach,
J. Mekki, South Atlantic anomaly evolution seen by the proton flux. J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics,
129, e2023JA032186., 2024.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., P. Ultre-Guerard, Editorial, French Report to COSPAR 2024, 2024.
Papers (ISI journals)
Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, M. Dumberry, Gravitational constraints on the Earth's
inner core differential rotation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL104790,, 2023.
Saraswati, A. T., O. de Viron, M. MANDEA, Earth's core variability from the magnetic
and gravity field observations, Solid Earth, 14, 1267–1287,, 2023.
Firsov, I., D. Jault, N. Gillet, J. Aubert, M. MANDEA, Radial shear in the
flow at the Earth’s core surface, Geoph. J. Int., 235, 2524-2539,, 2023.
Pfeffer, J., A. Cazenave, S. Rosat, L. Moreira, M. MANDEA, V. Dehant, B. Coupry,
A 6-year cycle in the Earth system, Global and Planetary Change, 229,, 2023.
Schwaiger, T., N. Gillet, D. Jault, M. Istas, M. MANDEA, Wave-like motions and torques in
Earth's core as inferred from geomagnetic data: A synthetic study, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 346,
107104,, 2023.
Cazenave, A., J. Pfeffer, M. MANDEA, and V. Dehant,
ESD Ideas: A 6-year oscillation in the whole Earth system?, Earth Syst. Dynam., 14, 733–735,, 2023.
Lecomte, H., S. Rosat, M. MANDEA, J.-P. Boy, & J. Pfeffer, Uncertainty of low-degree
space gravimetry observations: Surface processes versus Earth's core signal,
J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB026503,, 2023.
Pollet, A., D. Coulot, R. Biancale, F. Pérosanz, S. Loyer, J.-M. Marty, SusanneS. Glaser, V. Schott-Guilmault,
J.-M. Lemoine, F. Mercier, S. Nahmani and M. MANDEA,
GRGS numerical simulations for a GRASP-like mission,
J. of Geodesy, 97, 45,, 2023
Schwaiger, T., D. Jault, N. Gillet, N. Schaeffer, M. MANDEA, Local estimation of
quasi-geostrophic flows in Earth’s core, Geoph. J. Int., 234, 494–511,, 2023.
Papers (ISI journals)
Lesur, V., N. Gillet, M.D. Hammer, M. MANDEA, Rapid variations of
Earth’s core magnetic field, Surveys in Geophysics,, 2022.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M., The Magnetic Declination. A History of the Compass, ISBN: 978-3-031-09476-7,
116 p., Springer, 2022.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., P. Ultre-Guerard, Editorial, Rapport au COSPAR 2022, 2022.
Papers (ISI journals)
Dumberry, M. and M. MANDEA, Gravity variations and ground
deformations resulting from core dynamics, Surveys in Geophysics,, 2021.
Alken, P., et al., including M. MANDEA, International Geomagnetic
Reference Field: the thirteenth generation, Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 49,, 2021.
Hayner, D., et al., including M. MANDEA, The BepiColombo Planetary
Magnetometer MPO-MAG: What Can We Learn from the Hermean Magnetic Field?, Space Science Reviews,
217:52,, 2021.
Lévèque, T., C. Fallet, M. MANDEA, R. Biancale, J. M. Lemoine, S. Tardivel,
S. Delavault, A. Piquereau, S. Bourgogne, F. Pereira Dos Santos, B. Battelier, Ph. Bouyer,
Gravity field mapping using laser-coupled quantum accelerometers in space, J. of Geodesy,
95, 15,, 2021.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA, M., V. Dehant, A. Cazenave, GRACE — Gravity Data for Understanding
the Deep Earth’s Interior, Remote Sens., 12(24), 4186,,, 2020.
MANDEA, M., The Core-Mantle Boundary as seen by Satellite Observations, J.
Geol. Soc. India, 95, 547–550,, 2020.
Lopez, T., A. Cazenave, M. MANDEA, J. Benveniste, Guest Editorial: International
Space Science Institute (ISSI) Workshop on Geohazards and Risks Studied from Earth Observations,
Surveys in Geophysics, GEOP-Special Issue on “Remote Sensing of Geohazards and Risks”,
41:1179–1183, 2020.
MANDEA, M. and A. Chambodut, Geomagnetic field processes and their implications
for Space Weather, Surveys in Geophysics, GEOP-Special Issue on “Remote Sensing of
Geohazards and Risks”, 41:1611–1627,, 2020.
Benveniste, J., M. MANDEA, A. Melet, P. Ferrier,
Earth Observations for Coastal Hazards Monitoring and International Services,
Surveys in Geophysics,
GEOP-Special Issue on “Remote Sensing of Geohazards and Risks”, 41:1185–1208, 2020.
Wardinski, I., D. Saturnino, H. Amit, A. Chambodut, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA,
E. Thebault, Geomagnetic core field models and secular variation forecasts for the 13th
International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-13), Earth, Planets and Space,, 2020.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M., M. Korte, A. Yau, E. Petrovsky (Eds.), A Journey from the Earth's Core to
the Sun (Special Publications of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) 1st Edition,
Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 978-1108418485, 2020.
MANDEA, M., C. Gaina, V. Lesur, Magnetic Modeling, Theory and Computation"
Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, 2nd edition,, 2020.
MANDEA, M., A. Isac, Geomagnetic Field, Measurement Techniques,
Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, 2nd edition,, 2020.
Papers (Further journals)
Blanc, M., et al., including M. MANDEA, et al., Science objectives and observation
system for the International Meridian Circle, TAIKONG - ISSI-BJ Mgazine, 2020.
Papers (ISI journals)
Korte, M. and M. MANDEA, Geomagnetism: from Alexander von Humboldt to Current Challenges,
G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, DOI:10.1029/2019GC008324, 2019.
Roman, S., A. Soloviev, A. Gvishiani, V. Getmanov, M. MANDEA, A. Petrukhin, I. Yashin, A. Obraztsov,
A combined analysis of geomagnetic data and cosmic ray secondaries for the September 2017 space weather event studies,
Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.2205/2019ES000671, 2019.
Domingos, J., M.A. Pais, D. Jault, M. MANDEA, Temporal resolution of internal magnetic
field modes from satellite data, Earth, Planets and Space, 71:2,, 2019.
Proceedings and Reports
Lévèque, T., C. Fallet, M. MANDEA, R. Biancale, J. M. Lemoine, S. Tardivel, M. Delpech,
G. Ramillien, J. Panet, S. Bourgogne, F. Pereira Dos Santos, Ph. Bouyer, Correlated atom accelerometers for
mapping the Earth gravity field from Space Proceedings Volume 11180,
International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2018;, 2019.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA, M. and M. Purucker, The Varying Core Magnetic Field from a Space Weather Perspective,
Space Science Reviews , 214:11, DOI 10.1007/s11214-017-0443-8, 2018.
Saturnino, D., B. Langlais, H. Amit, F. Civet, M. MANDEA, É. Beucler, Combining
virtual observatory and equivalent source dipole approaches to describe the geomagnetic field
with Swarm measurements, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 276, 118-133,, 2018.
Dobrica, V., C. Demetrescu, M. MANDEA, Geomagnetic field declination:
from decadal to centennial scales, Solid Earth, 9, 491-503,, 2018.
Domingos, J., D. Jault, A. Pais, M. MANDEA,
The South Atlantic Anomaly throughout the solar cycle,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
473, 154-163, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.06.004, 2018.
Tair, S., Y. Yahiat, M. Hamoudi, V. Lesur, M. MANDEA, I. Rus,
Geomagnetic field residuals from CHAMP satellite: essential for revealing
unmodelled sources, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, vol. 11(1),
doi: 10.1007/s12517-017-3236-1, 2018.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., Solid Earth perceived by Form@ter and SENTINEL satellites,
CNES Raport to COSPAR, 42nd Scientific Assembly, 14-15, 2018.
Papers (ISI journals)
De Santis, A., G. Balasis, F.J. Favon-Carrasco, G. Cianchini, M. MANDEA,
Potential earthquake precursory pattern from space: The 2015 Nepal event as seen
by magnetic Swarm satellites, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
461, 119-126,, 2017.
Papers (Further journals)
MANDEA, M., La cartographie et les systèmes satellitaires : quelques applications récentes,
Géologues, 193, 27-30, 2017.
Papers (ISI journals)
Balasis, G., S.M. Potiralis, M. MANDEA, Investigating Dynamical Complexity of
Geomagnetic Jerks Using Various Entropy Measures, Frontiers in Earth Science,
68:108, DOI:10.1186/s40623-016-0484-3, 2016.
Willis, P., M. B. Heflin, B. J. Haines, Y. E. Bar-Sever, W. I. Bertiger,
M. MANDEA, Is the Jason-2 DORIS oscillator also affected by
the South Atlantic Anomaly?, Advances in Space Research, 2617–2627,, 2016.
Tozzi, R., M. MANDEA, and P. De Michelis, Unmodelled magnetic contributions
in satellite-based models, Earth, Planets and Space,
doi:10.3389/feart.2016.00071, 2016.
Korte, M. and M. MANDEA, Geopotential field anomalies and regional
tectonic features – two case studies: southern Africa and Germany,
Solid Earth, doi:10.5194/se-2015-132, 2016.
MANDEA, M. and J.-L. Le Mouël, After some 350 years – zero declination again in Paris,
Hist. Geo. Space Sci., doi:10.5194/hgss-7-73-2016, 2016.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., Solid Earth Program, CNES Raport to COSPAR,
41st Scientific Assembly, 62-65, 2016.
MANDEA, M., SWARM - Monitoring the Earth's magnetic field,
CNES Raport to COSPAR, 41st Scientific Assembly, 66-67, 2016.
MANDEA, M., From SPOT to PLEIADES: continously observing the Earth,
CNES Raport to COSPAR, 41st Scientific Assembly, 68-69, 2016.
Fallet, C., J.-F. Mahfouf, J. F., A. Hauchechrne, R. Mathieu, R. T. Martin, N. Capet,
Future Nanosatellite Constellation for Radio Occultation Measurements Living Planet Symposium,
Proceedings of the conference Prague, Czech Republic, ESA-SP Volume 740, ISBN: 978-92-9221-305-3, /2016.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA, M., C. Narteau, I. Panet, and J.-L. Le Mouël, Gravimetric and
magnetic anomalies produced by dissolution-crystallization at the core-mantle boundary,
J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JB012048, 2015.
Verbanac, G., M. MANDEA, M. Bandić, and S. Subašić, Magnetic observatories:
biases over CHAMP satellite mission, Solid Earth, 6, 775-781, doi:10.5194/se-6-775-2015, 2015.
Isac, A., M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, B. Langlais, A comparative
analysis of the magnetic field signals over impact structures on the Earth,
Mars and the Moon, Advances in Space Research, Volume 57, Issue 1, 477-492,
DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.11.019, 2015.
Thébault, E., et al., including M. MANDEA, International Geomagnetic
Reference Field: the 12th
generation, Earth, Planets and Space, 67:79 doi:10.1186/s40623-015-0228-9, 2015.
Saturnino, D., B. Langlais, F. Civet, E. Thébault, M. MANDEA, Main field and
secular variation candidate models for the 12th IGRF generation after 10 months of
Swarm measurements, Earth, Planets and Space, 67:96 doi:10.1186/s40623-015-0262-7, 2015.
Papers (Further journals)
Pollet, A., D. Coulot, F. Deleflie, M. Capderou, R. Biancale and M. MANDEA,
Application d'algorithmes génétiques à la détermination d'orbites optimales pour GRASP,
XYZ, revue AFT, 144, 44-53, 2015.
Proceedings and Reports
Ostanciaux, E., M. Diament, C. Lasserre, R. Grandin, M. MANDEA, O. Jamet,
GDM: the Ground Deformation Monitoring, Applications of Satellite Earth Observations:
Serving Society, Science, & Industry, 148-151, 2015.
Papers (ISI journals)
Panet, I., G. Pajot-Métivier, M. Greff-Lefftz, L. Métivier, M. Diament, M. MANDEA,
Mapping the mass distribution of Earth’s mantle using satellite-derived gravity gradients, Nature
Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo2063, 2014.
Zubaidah, T., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, M. Hamoudi, New insights into regional tectonics
of the Sunda–Banda Arcs region from integrated magnetic and gravity modeling, Journal of Asian
Earth, 80:172–184. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.11.013, 2014.
MANDEA M. and T.I. Pulkkinen, Multi-Disciplinary Arctic Research for
Science and Society, Surveys in Geophysics, 35:1093-1094, DOI 10/1007/s10712-014-9301-3, 2014.
Books and Chapter in Books
Soloviev, A., A. Khokhlov, E. Jalkovsky, A. Berezko,A. Lebedev, E. Kharin, I. Shestopalov,
M. Nisilevich,V. Nechitailenko, A. Rybkina, O. Pyatygina, A. Shibaeva, V. Kuznetsov, T. Bondar, N.
Pushkov, M. MANDEA, J. Mabie, The Atlas of the Earth's Magnetic
Field, Digital Atlas, 360 pages, CGMW, 2014.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., Solid Earth Program, CNES Raport to COSPAR,
40th Scientific Assembly, 94-95, 2014.
Panet, I., G. Pajot-Métivier, M. Greff-Lefftz, L. Métivier, M. Diament, M. MANDEA, GOCE
gradients: probing Earth’s interior, CNES Raport to COSPAR , 40th Scientific Assembly, 96-97, 2014.
Papers (ISI journals)
Khokhlov, A., J.-L. Le Mouël, and M. MANDEA,
Contribution to solving the orientation problem for an automatic
magnetic observatory, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 2, 1-9, 2013.
Qamili, E., A. De Santis, A. Isac, M. MANDEA, B. Duka, and
A. Simonyan, Geomagnetic jerks as chaotic
fluctuations of the Earth’s magnetic field,
G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 114, doi:10.1029/2012GC004398, 2013.
Zaourar, N., M. Hamoudi, M. MANDEA, G. Balasis, and M. Holschneider,
Wavelet-based multiscale analysis of geomagnetic disturbance,
Earth, Planets and Space, 65, 1–16, 2013.
Proceedings and Reports
Carrère, V., X. Briottet, S. Jacquemoud, R. Marion, A. Bourguignon, M. Chami. M. Dumont,
A. Minghelli-Roman, C. Weber, M.J. Lefèvre-Fonollosa, M. MANDEA,
HYPXIM: a second generation high spatial resolution hyperspectral satellite for
dual applications, in Proc. 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing:
Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS 2013), Gainesville (USA), 2013.
Lefevre-Fonollosa, M.-J., M. MANDEA, I. Fratter,
HYPXIM : un spectro-imageur innovant
pour les besoins scientifiques, la securite et la defense,
France, 2013.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA, M., I. Panet, V. Lesur, O. de Viron,
M. Diament, and J.-L. Le Mouël, Recent changes of the Earth’s
core derived from satellite observations of magnetic
and gravity fields, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi:10.1073/pnas.1207346109, 2012
Suteanu, C. and M. MANDEA, Surface air temperature in the Canadian Arctic:
scaling and pattern change, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 118, 179-188, 2012.
Schachtschneider, R., M. Holschneider and M. MANDEA,
Error distribution in regional modelling of the geomagnetic field, Geophys. J. Int.,
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05675.x, 1015-1024, 2012.
Hayn, M., I. Panet, M. Diament, M. Holschneider, M. MANDEA, A. Davaille,
Wavelet-based directional analysis of the gravity field: evidence for large-scale undulations,
Geophys. J. Int., DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05455.x,
vol. 189, 1430–1456, 2012.
Duka, B., A. De Santis, M. MANDEA, A. Isac, E. Qamili,
Geomagnetic jerks characterization via spectral analysis, Solid Earth,
3, 131-148, doi:10.5194/se-3-131-2012, 2012.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M. and C. Gaina,
The Changing Faces of the Arctic. A glace at the top of the World from Magnetic and Gravity View,
Commission For The Geological Map of The World, ISBN 978-2-917310-10-6, 2012.
Proceedings and Reports
Lesur, V., H. Luhr, M. Rother, M. MANDEA, High-resolution
CHAMP Magnetic Field modelling (HIREMAG-CHAMP); Long Time Series of
Consistently Reprocessed High-Accuracy CHAMP / GRACE Products (LOTSE --
CHAMP / GRACE) Schlussbericht, 01.06.2009 - 31.05.2012; Verbundprojekt
FE III im Sonderprogramm GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Erfassung des Systems Erde aus dem
Weltraum POF: PT1 Planet Earth: Global Processes and Change. Doctype: Report
Section: 2.3 Earth's Magnetic Field, 2012.
Papers (ISI journals)
Balasis, G., I.A. Daglis, A. Anastasiadis, C. Papadimitriou, M.
MANDEA, K. Eftaxias, Universality in solar flare, magnetic storm
and earthquake dynamics using Tsallis statistical mechanics, Physica A, 390, 341–346,
doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2010.09.029, 2011.
Berezko, A. E., A. V. Khokhlov, A. A. Soloviev, A. D. Gvishiani, E. A. Zhalkovsky, and M.
MANDEA, Atlas of Earth’s magnetic field, Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 12,
ES2001, doi: 10.2205/2011ES000505, 2011.
Verbanac, G., M. MANDEA, B. Vršnak, S. Sentic, Evolution of
Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Indices, and Their Relationship: 1960 – 2001,
Solar Phys. , 271, 183–195, doi: 10.1007/s11207-011-9801-y, 2011.
Kotze, P., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Polynomial Modelling of Southern African Secular
Variation Observations Since 2005, Data Science Journal, 10, 95-101, 2011.
Zaourar, N., M. Hamoudi, M. Holschneider, M. MANDEA,
Fractal dynamics of geomagnetic storms,
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12517-011-0487-0, 1-10, 2011.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M. and A. Isac, Geomagnetic Fields, Measurement Techniques,
Harsh K. Gupta (ed.), Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7,
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011.
MANDEA, M., C. Gaina, V. Lesur, Magnetic Modeling, Theory and Computation,
Harsh K. Gupta (ed.), Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7,
Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011.
MANDEA, M. and M. Korte (Eds.) Geomagnetic Observations and Models, IAGA
Special Sopron Book Series; 5, Springer, 343pp, 2011.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA, M., R. Holme, A. Pais,
K. Pinheiro, A. Jackson, G. Verbanac, Geomagnetic Jerks: Rapid Core
Field Variations and Core Dynamics, Space Science Reviews, 155, 147–175,
DOI 10.1007/s11214-010-9663-x, 2010.
Asari, S., V. Lesur, M. MANDEA, Geomagnetic secular variation
violating the frozen-flux condition at the core surface,
Earth, Planets and Space, 62, 693–709, 2010.
MANDEA, M., M. Korte, A. Soloviev, A. Gvishiani,
Alexander von Humboldt’s charts of the Earth’s magnetic,
Hist. Geo. Space Sci., 1, 63–76,doi:10.5194/hgss-1-63-2010, 2010.
Matzka, J., A. Chulliat, M. MANDEA, C.C. Finlay,
E. Qamili, Geomagnetic Observations for Main Field Studies:
From Ground to Space, Space Science Reviews, 155, 29–64,
DOI 10.1007/s11214-010-9693-4, 2010.
Finlay, C. C., S. Maus, C. D. Beggan, T. N. Bondar, A. Chambodut, T. A.
Chernova, A. Chulliat, V. P. Golovkov, B. Hamilton, M. Hamoudi, R.
Holme, G. Hulot, W. Kuang, B. Langlais, V. Lesur, F. J. Lowes, H. Lühr,
S. Macmillan, M. MANDEA, S. McLean, C. Manoj, M. Menvielle, I.
Michaelis, N. Olsen, J. Rauberg, M. Rother, T. J. Sabaka, A. Tangborn,
L. Tøffner-Clausen, E. Thébault, A. W. P. Thomson, I. Wardinski Z. Wei,
T. I. Zvereva, International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the eleventh generation,
Geophys. J. Int., 183, 1216–1230, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04804.x, 2010.
Tarits, P. and M. MANDEA, The heterogeneous electrical conductivity
structure of the lower mantle, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 183, 115-125,
doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2010.08.002, 2010.
Olsen, N., M. MANDEA, T. J. Sabaka, L. Tøffner-Clausen,
The CHAOS-3 Geomagnetic Field Model and Candidates for the 11th Generation IGRF,
Earth, Planets and Space, 62, 719-727, 2010.
Lesur, V., I. Wardinski, S. Asari, B. Minchev, M. MANDEA, Modelling
the Earth's core magnetic field under flow constraints, Earth, Planets and Space,
Vol. 62, 503-516, 2010.
Schachtschneider, R., M. Holschneider, M. MANDEA, Error distribution
in regional inversion of potential field, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1428-1440,
doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04598.x, 2010.
Verbanac, G., B. Vrsnak, M. Temmer, M. MANDEA, M. Korte, Four decades
of geomagnetic and solar activity: 1960-2001, Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72, 7-8, 607-616, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.02.017, 2010.
Geese, A., M. MANDEA, V. Lesur, M. Hayn, Regional modelling of the
southern african geomagnetic field harmonic splines, Geophys. J. Int., 181,
1329-1342, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04575.x, 2010.
Langlais, B., V. Lesur, M.E. Purucker, J. E. P. Connerney, M. MANDEA,
Crustal Magnetic Fields of Terrestrial Planets, Space Science Reviews, 152, 1-4,
223-249, doi: 10.1007/s11214-009-9557-y, 2010.
Zubaidah, T., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Y. Quesnel, B. Kanata, N. Arumdati,
Geomagnetic field anomalies over the Lombok Island region: an attempt to understand the
local tectonic changes, International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol. Rundsch.),
99, 5, 1123-1132, doi: 10.1007/s00531-009-0450-4, 2010.
Hulot, G., A. Balogh, U. R. Christensen, C.G. Constable, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen,
The Earth’s Magnetic Field in the Space Age: An Introduction to Terrestrial Magnetism,
Space Science Reviews,155, 1–7, doi: 10.1007/s11214-010-9703-6, 2010.
Hulot, G., C. C. Finlay, C. Constable, N. Olsen, M. MANDEA, The Magnetic
Field of Planet Earth, Space Science Reviews, 152, 159-222, 2010.
MANDEA, M., and V. Lesur, Geomagnetic field evolution. Changes on the
way?, Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, ES3010, doi:10.2205/2009ES000333, 2010.
Glassmeier, K.-H., H.-U. Auster, D. Heyner, K. Okrafka,
C. Carr, G. Berghofer, B.J. Anderson, A. Balogh, W. Baumjohann, P. Cargill,
U. Christensen, M. Delva, M. Dougherty, K.-H. Fornacon, T.S. Horbury,
E.A. Lucek, W. Magnes, M. MANDEA, A. Matsuoka , M. Matsushima,
U. Motschmann, R. Nakamurac, Y. Naritaa, H. O'Brien, I. Richtera,
K. Schwingenschuh, H. Shibuya, J.A. Slavin, C. Sotin, B. Stoll, H. Tsunakawa,
S. Vennerstrom, J. Vogt, T. Zhang, The fluxgate magnetometer of the
BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbite, Planetary and Space Science,
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2008.06.018, 2010.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M., M. Holschneider, V. Lesur, H. Lühr, The Earth's Magnetic
Field at the CHAMP Satellite Epoch, in System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques,
475-526, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN978-3-642-10227-1 (Print)
978-3-642-10228-8 (Online), doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10228-8, 2010.
Hulot, G., A. Balogh, U.R. Christensen, C. Constable, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen,
Terrestrial Magnetism, Space Sciences Series of ISSI, ISBN 978-1-4419-7954-4, 2010.
Flechtner, F., T. Gruber, A. Güntner, M. MANDEA, M.
Rothacher, T. Schöne, J. Wickert (Eds), System Earth via Geodetic-Geophysical Space Techniques,
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN978-3-642-10227-1 (Print)
978-3-642-10228-8 (Online), 550pp., 2010.
Proceedings and Reports
Isac, A., M. MANDEA, M. Purucker, How Impacts Have Shaped the Magnetic Field
of Earth, Mars and Moon, ESA's Second Swarm International Science Meeting, Proceedings,
Yahiat, Y., M. Hamoudi, M. MANDEA, New and Ancient Satellite Data: A Source
to Characterize Geomagnetic Jerks, ESA's Second Swarm International Science Meeting,
Proceedings, 2010.
Wardinski, I., J. Dostal, M. MANDEA, M. Thomas, Towards Monitoring Magnetic
Signals Generated by Ocean Tides, ESA's Second Swarm International Science Meeting,
Proceedings, 2010.
Cianchini, G., A. De Santis, G. Balasis, M. MANDEA, E. Qamili, Entropy Based
Analyses of Satellite Magnetic Signal Applied for Searching Possible Seismogenic Signatures in
Ionosphere, ESA's Second Swarm International Science Meeting, Proceedings, 2010.
Gaina, C., S. Werner, M. MANDEA, Magnetic and Gravimetric Anomaly Maps of the Arctic
at the scale of 1:5 000 000, Commission for the Geological Map of the
World, Paris, France, 2010.
Papers (ISI journals)
Olsen, N., M. MANDEA, T. J. Sabaka, L. Tøffner-Clausen,
CHAOS-2 A Geomagnetic Field Model Derived from one Decade of Continuous
Satellite Data, Geophys. J. Int., 179, 1477-1487,
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04386.x, 2009.
Yahiat, Y., M. Hamoudi, M. MANDEA, What ancient scalar satellite data
can tell us about the 1969 geomagnetic jerk?, Earth, Planets and Space,
61, 7, 885-894, 2009.
Korte, M., M. MANDEA, J. Matzka, A historical declination
curve for Munich from different data sources, Phys. Earth Planet. Int.,
177 (3-4), 161-172, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2009.08.005, 2009.
Leblanc, F., B. Langlais, T. Fouchet, S. Barabash, D. Breuer, E. Chassefière,
A. Coates, V. Dehant, F. Forget, H. Lammer, S. Lewis, M. Lopez-Valverde,
M. MANDEA, M. Menvielle, A. Pais, M. Paetzold, P. Read,
C. Sotin, P. Tarits, S. Vennerstrøm, Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbiter
Science and Measurement Objectives, Astrobiology, 9,
doi :10.1089/AST.2007.022, 2009.
Verbanac, G., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Four decades of European
geomagnetic secular variation and acceleration, Annals of Geophysics,
52, 487-503, 2009.
Minchev, B., A. Chambodut, M. Holschneider, I. Panet, E. Schöll,
M. MANDEA, G. Ramillien, Local multi-polar expansions in
potential field modeling, Earth, Planets and Space, Vol. 61, 1127-1141, 2009.
Langlais, B., V. Lesur, M.E. Purucker, Jack E.P. Connerney,
M. MANDEA, Crustal Magnetic Fields of Terrestrial Planets,
Space Science Reviews, DOI 10.1007/s11214-009-9557-y, 2009.
Korte, M., M. MANDEA, H.-J. Linthe, A. Hemshorn,
P. Kotzé, E. Ricaldi, New geomagnetic field observations in the South
Atlantic Anomaly region, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 65-81, 2009.
Quesnel, Y., C. Sotin, B. Langlais, S. Costin, M. MANDEA,
M. Gottschalk, J. Dyment, Serpentinization of the martian crust during Noachian,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277, 184-193,
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.10.012, 2009.
Quesnel, Y., U. Weckmann, O. Ritter, J. Stankiewicz, V. Lesur,
M. MANDEA, B. Langlais, C. Sotin, A. Galdéano, Simple models
for the Beattie Magnetic Anomaly in South Africa, Tectonophysics,
doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.11.027, 2009.
Langlais B., F. Leblanc, T. Fouchet, S. Barabash, D. Breuer, E. Chassefière,
A. Coates, V. Dehant, F. Forget, H. Lammer, S. Lewis, M. Lopez-Valverde,
M. MANDEA, M. Menvielle, A. Pais, M. Paetzold, P. Read,
C. Sotin, P. Tarits, S. Vennerstrom, G. Branduardi-Raymont, G. Cremonese,
J.G.M. Merayo, T. Ott, H. Rème, J.G. Trotignon, J.E. Walhund, Mars
Environment and Magnetic Orbiter model payload, Experimental Astronomy,
23, DOI: 10.1007/s10686-008-9101-1, 2009.
Books and Chapter in Books
Lühr, H., M. Korte M., M. MANDEA, The recent Geomagnetic
Field and its Variations, in Geomagnetic field variations,
Springer (ed. Glassmeier, K.-H., Soffel, H., Negendank J.),
ISBN 978-3-540-76938-5, pp. 25-64, 2009.
MANDEA, M. and V. Lesur, The Magnetic Lithosphere:
A Novel View in The Lithosphere: Geochemistry,
Geology and Geophysics, Eds: J. E. Anderson and R. W. Coates, Nova
Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-60456-903-2, 2009.
Papers (Further journals)
Yahiat, Y., M. Hamoudi, M. MANDEA, Les secousses magnétiques vues
par les données scalaires satellitaires, Bulletin of the National
Geological Service, Vol 20, no 1, 2009.
MANDEA, M., V. Papitashvili, Worldwide Geomagnetic Data Collection
and Management, EOS, 90, 45, 409-424, DOI: 10.1029/2009EO450001, 2009.
MANDEA, M., N. Olsen, Geomagnetic and Archeomagnetic Jerks:
Where Do We Stand?, EOS, Transactions, AGU, 90, 24, 2009.
Proceedings and Reports
Cianchini, G., A. De Santis, G. Balasis, M. MANDEA,
E. Qamili, Entropy based analysis of satellite magnetic data for
searching possible electromagnetic signatures due to big earthquakes,
Proceedings of the 3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conference
on Geology and Seismology, 29-35, 2009.
Hemshorn, A., E. Pulz, M. MANDEA, GAUSS: Improvements to the
Geomagnetic AUtomated SyStem 100-103, Proceedings of the
XIIIth IAGA Workshop on geomagnetic observatory instruments,
data acquisition, and processing:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2009.
Kotzé, P.B., M. MANDEA, M. Korte, Modelling Southern African Secular
Variation Using 2005-2007 Field Survey Data, 127-132, Proceedings of
the XIIIth IAGA Workshop on geomagnetic observatory instruments,
data acquisition, and processing: U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report, 2009.
Linthe, H., M. MANDEA, M. Korte, Installing a Geomagnetic Observatory
on St. Helena Island - a Special Challenge 133-145, Proceedings of the
XIIIth IAGA Workshop on geomagnetic observatory instruments, data
acquisition, and processing: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report, 2009.
Papers (ISI journals)
Korte, M. and MANDEA, M., Magnetic poles and dipole tilt variation over
the past decades to millennia, Earth, Planets and Space, 60, 9, 937-948, 2008.
Verbanac, G., Korte, M., MANDEA, M., On minimizing the external field
contributions in annual means of the European geomagnetic observatories,
GEOFIZIKA, 25, 1, 27-39, 2008.
- Lesur V., I. Wardinski, M. Rother, M. MANDEA, GRIMM: the GFZ Reference
Internal Magnetic Model based on vector satellite and observatory data,
Geophys. J. Int., 173, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03724.x, 2008.
Wardinski, I., R. Holme, S. Asari, M. MANDEA, The 2003 geomagnetic jerk
and its relation to the core surface flows, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
267, 468-481, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.12.008, 2008.
Olsen, N. and M. MANDEA, Rapidly changing flows in the Earth's core,
Nature Geosciences, doi:10.1038/ngeo203, 2008.
Papers (Further journals)
MANDEA, M., Variatii magnetice rapide la 3000km in adancul Terrei,
Revista Stiinta si Tehnica, mai-august, 2008.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., F. Hansen, V. Lesur, H. Lühr, P. Lundahl,
S. MacMillan, N. Olsen, P. Ritter, C. Stolle, A. Thomsen, P. Visser, Preparation
of the Swarm Level 2 Data Processing, ESA Contract No. 20969/07/NL/JA, Final
Report, 476pp, 2008.
Papers (ISI journals)
Auster, H.U., M. MANDEA, A. Hemshorn, E. Pulz, M. Korte,
Automation of absolute measurement of the geomagnetic field, Earth, Planets and Space, 59,
1007–1014, 2007.
- Wicht, J., M. MANDEA, F. Takahashi, U.R. Christensen, M. Matsushima,
B. Langlais, The Origin of Mercury's Internal Magnetic Field, Space Science Reviews,
DOI 10.1007/s11214-007-9280-5, 2007.
Mozzoni, D.T., M. MANDEA, J. Cain, Magnetic perturbations seen by CHAMP and
evaluated using the TIE-GCM, Annals of Geophysics, 25, 1543-1554, 2007.
Chambodut, A., C. Eymin, M. MANDEA, Geomagnetic jerks from the
Earth's surface to the top of the core, Earth, Planets and Space, 59, 675-684, 2007.
Verbanac, G., M. Korte, M. MANDEA, On long-term trends in European geomagnetic
observatory biases, Earth, Planets and Space, 59 (No. 7), 685-695, 2007.
Hemant, K., E. Thébault, M. MANDEA, D. Ravat, S. Maus,
Magnetic anomaly map of the world: merging airborne, marine and ground-based magnetic
data sets, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.05.040, 2007.
Verbanac, G., H. Lühr, M. Rother, M. Korte, M. MANDEA, Contributions of the
external field to the observatory annual means and a proposal for their corrections,
Earth, Planets and Space, 59, 251-257, 2007.
Hamoudi, M., E. Thébault, V. Lesur, M. MANDEA, GeoForschungsZentrum Anomaly Magnetic
Map (GAMMA): A candidate model for the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, G3: Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems, 8, Q06023, doi:10.1029/2007GC001638, 2007.
Balasis, G. and M. MANDEA, Can electromagnetic disturbances
related to the recent great earthquakes be detected by satellite
magnetometers?, Tectonophysics, 431, 173-195, 2007.
Olsen, N. and M. MANDEA, Investigation of a secular variation impulse using satellite
data: The 2003 geomagnetic jerk, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 255, 94-105,
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.12.008, 2007.
Kotzé, P., M. MANDEA, M. Korte, Modelling the southern African geomagnetic
field secular variation using ground survey data for 2005, South African Journal of Geology,
110, 2-3 10.2113/gssajg.110.2-3.187, 187-192, 2007.
Korte, M., M. MANDEA, P. Kotzé, E. Nahayo, B. Pretorius,
Improved observations at the southern African geomagnetic repeat station network,
South African Journal of Geology, 110, 2-3 10.2113/gssajg.110.2-3.175, 175-186, 2007.
MANDEA, M., M. Korte, D. Mozzoni, P. Kotzé, The magnetic field
changing over the southern African continent: a unique behaviour, South African
Journal of Geology, 110, 2-3 10.2113/gssajg.110.2-3.193, 193-202, 2007.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M. and E. Thébault, The Changing Faces of the Earth's Magnetic Field,
Commission For The Geological Map Of The World, ISBN 978-2-9517181-9-7, 2007.
MANDEA, M., Main Field Modelling, Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and
679-683, Springer, 2007.
- MANDEA, M., Main field maps, Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and
Eds D. Gubbins and E. Herrero-Bervera, 674-679, Springer, 2007.
- MANDEA, M., Observatory programme in France, Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and
Eds D. Gubbins and E. Herrero-Bervera, 721-722, Springer, 2007.
Papers (Further journals)
Jaumann, R., et al., including MANDEA, M.,
Lunar Exploration Orbiter (LEO): Providing a Globally Covered, Highly Resolved Integrated, Geological,
Geochemical and Geophysical Data Base of the Moon, LEAG Workshop
on Enabling Exploration, 2007.
De Wit, M., B. Horsfield, L. Combrinck, J. Compton, A. Kounov, J. Tinker,
M. Tredoux, T. Partridge, G. Uenzelmann-Neben, K. Gohl, W. Jokat, S. Neben,
M. MANDEA,, R. Di. Primio, O. Ritter, U. Weckmann,
H. Oberhänsli (2006). Inkaba yeAfrica project surveys sector of
earth from core to space, EOS, 87(11), 113-117, 2007.
MANDEA, M. and M. Korte, Ancient Sundials and Maps reveal historical
geomagnetic declination values, Eos Trans. AGU, 88 (31), 310-311, 2007.
Olsen, N. and M. MANDEA, Will the magnetic north pole move to Siberia?,
Eos Trans. AGU, 88(29), 293, 2007.
Proceedings and Reports
Linthe, H.J., P. Kotzé, M. MANDEA, H. Theron, Keetmanshoop: A New Observatory in Namibia,
Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99, 38-45, 2007.
Auster, H.U., M. MANDEA, A. Hemshorn, M. Korte, E. Pulz, GAUSS:
Geomagnetic Automated System,
Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99, 49-59, 2007.
Kotzé, P., M. MANDEA, M. Korte, A New Geomagnetic Field Model for Southern
Africa Based on 2005
Ground Survey Data, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99, 201-208, 2007.
Korte, K., M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, Worldwide Observatory Hourly Means from 1995 to 2003:
of Their Quality, Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99, 275-283, 2007.
Linthe, H.J., I. Cholakov, M. MANDEA, Panagjurishte
Observatory Upgrade for INTERMAGNET,
Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., C-99, 284-290, 2007.
Lesur, V., I. Wardinski, M. Rother, Y. Quesnel, M. MANDEA, Lithospheric
componenet of GRIMM - the GFZ Reference Internal Magnetic Model,
Geothechnologien Science report, 149-153, Munich, 2007.
MANDEA, M., V. Lesur, M. Rother, Y. Quesnel, M. Hamoudi, E.
Thébault, World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, GAMMA - the GFZ contribution,
Geothechnologien Science report, 154-158, Munich, 2007.
- Minchev, B., M. Holschneider, M. MANDEA, A. Chambodut,
I. Patent, E. Scholl, Data compression for global field modelling,
GeothechnologienScience report, 159-162, Munich, 2007.
Jaumann, R., et al., including M. MANDEA, Konzept eines Lunaren Explorations
Orbiters (LEO), Vorschlag fur eine Wissenschftliche Mondmission, DLR,
109pp, 2007.
Leblanc, F., B. Langlais, T. Fouchet, S. Barabash, D. Breuer, E. Chassefière, A. Coates, V. Dehant,
F. Forget, H. Lammer, S. Lewis, M. Lopez-Valverde, M. MANDEA, M. Menvielle,
A. Pais, M. Paetzold, P. Read, C. Sotin, P. Tarits, S. Vennerstrom,
Mars Environment and Magnetic Orbitor, Answer to the
First Planning Cycle of Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 - ESA, 41pp, 2007.
Korhonen, J., J.D. Fairhead, M. Hamoudi, K. Hemant, V. Lesur, M. MANDEA,
S. Maus, M. Purucker, D. Ravat, T. Sazonova, E. Thébault, Magnetic Anomaly Map of the World (and associated DVD),
Scale: 1:50,000,000, 1st edition, Commission for the Geological Map of the
World, Paris, France, 2007.
TOP td>
Papers (ISI journals)
Balasis, G., I. A. Daglis, P. Kapiris, M. MANDEA, D. Vassiliadis, K. Eftaxias,
From pre-storm activity to magnetic storms: a transition described in terms of fractal dynamics,
Annals of Geophysics, 24, 3557 - 3567, 2006.
MANDEA, M. and G. Balasis, The SGR 1806-20 magnetar signature on the
Earth's magnetic field, Geophys. J. Int., Vol. 167, No. 2, 586-591,
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03125.x, 2006.
MANDEA, M. and N. Olsen, A new approach to directly determine the secular variation from
magnetic satellite observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L15306, doi:10.1029/2006GL026616, 2006.
Olsen, N., R. Haagmans, T.J. Sabaka, A. Kuvshinov, S. Maus, M.E. Purucker, M. Rother, V. Lesur, M.
MANDEA, The Swarm End-to-End mission simulator study: A demonstration of
separating the various contributions to Earth's magnetic field using synthetic data Earth,
Planet and Space, Vol. 58, No. 4, 359-370, 2006.
Thébault, E., M. MANDEA, J.J. Schott, Modeling the lithospheric magnetic field over
France by means of revised spherical cap harmonic analysis (R-SCHA)
J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. B5, B05102 10.1029/2005JB004110, 2006.
Wardinski, I. and M. MANDEA, Annual and semi-annual variations of the geomagnetic field
components analysed by the multi-taper method, Earth, Planets and Space, Vol. 58 (4), 359-370, 2006.
- Olsen, N., H. Lühr, T. Sabaka, M. MANDEA, M. Rother, L. Toffner-Clausen, S. Choi,
CHAOS - A Model of Earth's Magnetic Field derived from CHAMP, Orsted, and SAC-C magnetic satellite
data, Geophys. J. Int., Vol. 165, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03059.x, 2006.
- Thébault, E., J.J. Schott, M. MANDEA, Revised Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis
(R-SCHA): Validation and properties, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B01102,
doi:10.1029/2005JB003836, 2006.
- MANDEA, M., Magnetic satellite missions: where have we been and where are we going?
Comptes Rendus Geosciences, Vol. 338, 1002-1011, 2006.
Proceedings and Reports
Schachtschneider, R, G. Balasis , M. Rother, M. MANDEA,
Wavelet-based selection of satellite data forgeomagnetic field modelling, Proceedings of
First SWARM International Science Meeting, Nantes, 3-5 May, 2006.
- Thébault, E. and M. MANDEA, Contribution of regional
modelling techniques to the SWARM mission, Proceedings of
First SWARM International Science Meeting, Nantes, 3-5 May, 2006.
- Mozzoni, D. T., M. MANDEA, J. C. Cain, CHAMP: TIE - GCM
magnetic perturbation comparisons, Proceedings of First SWARM International Science
Meeting, Nantes, 3-5 May, 2006.
- MANDEA, M., H. Lühr, V. Lesur, The recent geomagnetic
field as seen by the magnetic satellites, International Final Colloquium of the German
Science Foundation Priority Programme 1097 'Geomagnetic Field
Variations: Space-Time Structure, Processes, and Effects on System Earth' (Braunschweig 2006), 56-66, 2006.
- Minchev, B., A. Chambodut, L. Amsel, M. MANDEA, M. Holschneider,
Application of Local Multipole Wavelet Expansions in Geomagnetic Field Modelling,
GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, Observation of System Earth from Space, Bonn, 46-50, 2006.
- Thébault, E., M. Hamoudi, M. Rother, V. Lesur, M. MANDEA,
Improvement of the lithospheric magnetic anomaly field using satellite and airborne measurements,
GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, Observation of System Earth from Space, Bonn, 60-64, 2006.
- MANDEA, M., M. Korte, H. Lühr, Magnetic Field in Global
Processes and Geomonitoring , Programme 1, Geosystem: The Changing Earth , 85-87, GFZ Potsdam, 2006.
- Handy, M. R., et al., including M. MANDEA, Coupled Earth Processes -
From the past records to predictable change, Freie Universität Berlin und Universität Potsdam, 15, 2006.
- Horsfield, B. et al., including, M. MANDEA
"Inkaba ye Africa" - dem dynamischen System Erde auf der Spur,
Zweijahresbericht GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam 2004/2005, 47-52, 2006.
- MANDEA, M, H. Lühr, M. Korte, G. Balasis, H.-J. Linthe,
K. Hemant, E. Pulz, P. Ritter, M. Rother, C. Stolle, E. Thébault, I. Wardinski,
A comprehensive view of the Earth's magnetic field from ground and space observations,
Zweijahresbericht GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam 2004/2005, 63-76, 2006.
Papers (ISI journals)
Dormy, E., and M. MANDEA, Tracking geomagnetic impulses down to the core-mantle
boundary, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237, 300-309, 2005.
- MANDEA, M., Candidate models in producing the IGRF 9th generation,
Earth, Planets and Space, 57 (No.12), 1165-1171, 2005.
- Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, B. Langlais, Candidate
main-field models for the
Definitive Geomagnetic Reference Field 1995.0 and 2000.0, Earth, Planets and Space,
57 (No.12), 1197-1202, 2005.
Chambodut, A., I. Panet, M. MANDEA, M. Diament, M. Holschneider, O. Jamet,
Wavelet frames an alternative to spherical harmonic representation of potential fields,
Geophys. J.
Int., 163, 875-899, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02754.x, 2005.
MANDEA, M., and M. Purucker, Measurements of the Earth's magnetic
field from space,
Surveys in Geophysiscs, 26, (No. 4), 415-459, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-005-3857-x, 2005.
Chambodut, A., and M. MANDEA, Evidence for geomagnetic jerks in
comprehensive models,
Earth, Planets and Space, 57, 139-149, 2005.
Papers (Further journals)
- Atanasiu, L., D. Zugravescu, M. MANDEA, M. Roharik, Imagini ale
componentelor campului geomagnetic din partea de Sud-Est a Europei,
Studii si Cercetari de Geofizica,
43, 65-78, Bucuresti, 2005.
- Atanasiu, L., M. MANDEA, D. Zugravescu, M. Roharik,
Trans-European suture zone
over the Romanian territory in the light of new satellite data, Revue Roumaine de
Géophysique, 49, 49-61, Bucuresti, 2005.
Proceedings and Reports
Bitterly, M., A. Chuillat, D. Fouassier, J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA,
J.-J. Schott, Analyse des séries de données obtenues dans les observatoires du BCMT depuis leur
création, it Bureau Central de Magnétisme terrestre, No 22, 9-21, 2005.
Korte, M., H.-J. Linthe, M. MANDEA,
75 Jahre erdmagnetische Messungen in Niemegk:
das Adolf-Schmidt-Observatorium für Geomagnetismus des GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam,
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 27, 2005.
Papers (ISI journals)
- Thébault, E., J.-J. Schott, M. MANDEA, J.P. Hoffbeck, A new proposal for
spherical cap harmonic modelling, Geophys. J. Int., 159, 83-103, 2004.
- Chassefière, E., A. Nagy, M. MANDEA, F. Primdahl, H. Rèmee, J.-A.
Sauvaud, R. Lin, S. Barabash, D. Mitchell, T. Zurbuchen, F. Leblanc, J.-J. Berthelier, H.
Waite, D. T. Young, J. Clarke, M. Parrot, J.-G. Trotignon, J.-L. Bertaux, E. Quèmerais, F.
Barlier, K. Szegö, S. Szalaï, S. Bougher, F. Forget, J. Lilensten, J.-P. Barriot,
G. Chanteur, J. Luhmann, G. Hulot, M. Purucker, D. Breuer, S. Smrekar, B. Jakosky, M. Menvielle,
S. Sasaki, M. Acuna, G. Keating, P. Touboul, J.-C. Gérard, P. Rochus, S. Orsini,
G. Cerutti-Maori, J. Porteneuve, M. Meftah, Ch. Malique, DYNAMO: a Mars upper atmosphere
package for investigating solar wind interaction and escape processes, and mapping Martian
fields, Advances in Space Research, 33, 2228-2235,
Langlais, B., M. Purucker, M. MANDEA, The crustal magnetic field of Mars,
J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, E02008, doi:10.1029/2003JE002048, 2004.
Books and Chapter in Books
Maus, S., H. Lühr, G. Balasis, M. Rother, M. MANDEA, Introducing POMME,
The Potsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth, Second CHAMP mission results for gravity,
magnetic and atmospheric studies, Springer, Berlin, 293-299, 2004.
Papers (Further journals)
MANDEA, M., and P. Mayaud, Guillaume Le Nautonnier - un précurseur du
magnétisme terrestre, Revue d'Histoire des Sciences,
57, 161-174, Paris, 2004.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., Observing the Earth's magnetic field from space, Reports to COSPAR 2004,
World Committee for Space Research, 35th Scientific Assembly - 18-25 July 2004,
Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales, 112-113, Paris, 2004.
MANDEA, M., Mesures dans les stations magnétiques de répétition de la France
metropolitaine et de la Corse - 2002, Bureau Central de Magnétisme terrestre,
No 20, 5-50, 2004.
- MANDEA, M., French results of the geomagnetic field
repeat station network measurements
-- 2002 Bureau Central de Magnétisme terrestre, No 20, 51-58, 2004.
- Friis-Christensen, E., A. De Santis, A. Jackson, G. Hulot, A. Kuvshinov, H. Lühr,
M. MANDEA, S. Maus, N. Olsen, M. Purucker, M. Rothacher, T. Sabaka, A. Thomson,
S. Vennerstrom, P. Visser, Swarm The Earth's Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers,
70 pp., ESA SP-1279(6), 2004.
Olsen, N., E. Friis-Christensen, G. Hulot, M. Korte, A. Kuvshinov, V. Lesur, H. Lühr,
S. Macmillan, M. MANDEA, S. Maus, M., Purucker, C. Reigber, P. Ritter, M. Rother,
T. Sabaka, P. Tarits, A. Thomson, Swarm End-to-End mission performance simulator study,
ESA Contract No. 17263/03/NL/CB, DSRI Final Reports, 190pp, 2004.
Papers (ISI journals)
Macmillan, S., S. Maus, T. Bondar, A. Chambodut, V. Golovkov, R. Holme, B. Langlais,
V. Lesur, F. Lowes, H. Lühr, W. Mai, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, M. Rother, T. Sabaka,
A. Thomson, I. Wardinski, The 9th generation international geomagnetic reference field,
Geophys. J. Int., 155, 1051-1056, 2003.
- Macmillan, S., S. Maus, T. Bondar, A. Chambodut, V. Golovkov, R. Holme, B. Langlais,
V. Lesur, F. Lowes, H. Lühr, W. Mai, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, M. Rother, T. Sabaka,
A. Thomson, I. Wardinski, The 9th Generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field,
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA), Division V, Working Group 8,
Earth, Planets and Space, 55, pp. i-ii, 2003.
Jackson, A., A.R.T. Jonkers, M. MANDEA, A. Murray, Earth's magnetic field in the
early 19th century from French sources, G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. 4, No. 7, 1054,
DOI 10.1029/2002GC000494, 2003.
Bellanger, E., F. Anad, J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA, The irregular variations
of the external geomagnetic field from INTERMAGNET data, Earth, Planets and Space, 55, 173-181, 2003
MANDEA, M., and E. Dormy, Asymmetric behavior of magnetic dip poles,
Earth, Planets and Space, 55, 153-157, 2003.
Langlais, B., M. MANDEA, P. Ultré-Guérard, High-resolution magnetic
field modeling: application to MAGSAT and Ørsted data, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 135, 77-92, 2003.
Holschneider, M., A. Chambodut, M. MANDEA, From global to regional analysis of
the magnetic field on the sphere using wavelet frames, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 135, 107-124, 2003.
Books and Chapter in Books
Chambodut, A., M. MANDEA, M. Holschneider, Modelling the Earth's magnetic field:
Wavelet based and standard Methods, First CHAMP mission results for gravity, magnetic and
atmospheric studies, 232-238, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
Papers (Further journals)
Macmillan, S., S. Maus, T. Bondar, A. Chambodut, V. Golovkov, R. Holme, B. Langlais,
V. Lesur, F. Lowes, H. Lühr, W. Mai, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, M. Rother, T. Sabaka,
A. Thomson, I. Wardinski, Ninth generation international geomagnetic reference field
released, EOS Transactions AGU, 84, 503, 2003.
Korte, M., and M. MANDEA, Improvements Planned for European Geomagnetic Repeat
Stations, EOS Transactions AGU, Vol. 84, 17, 160, 2003.
MANDEA, M., La connaissance du champ magnétique terrestre à l'époque
des satellites, Revue NAVIGATION, vol. 51, no.201, 31-41, Paris, 2003.
Proceedings and Reports
Chave, A. D., J. W. Bailey, S. Beaulieu, R. Butler, F. K. Duennebier, J. H. Filloux, D. Harris,
M. MANDEA, J. A. Orcutt, K. Smith, R. Stephen, P. Tarits, F. L. Vernon, F. B. Wooding,
2003-2004 upgrades and additions to the Hawaii-2 Observatory, Proceedings of 3rd International
Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, 14-18, 2003.
- Tarits, P., M. MANDEA, M. Calzas, C. Drezen, A. Dubreule, Seafloor geomagnetic
observatory program in France, Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Scientific Use of
Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, 63-66, 2003.
Menvielle, M., F. Primdahl, P. Brauer, P.A. Jensen, J.M.G. Merayo, J.-J. Berthelier, D. Breuer,
G. Chanteur, M. MANDEA, W. Magnes, G. Musmann, K. Pajunpa, J.-L. Pincon,
K. Schwingenschuh, L. Szarka, S. Vennerstrom, The NETLANDER MAGNETIC experiment,
Proceedings of 4th Ørsted International Science Team Conference, 301-304, Copenhagen, 2003.
Purucker, M., J. Bloxham, C. Constable, H. Kim, S. Maus, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, M. Rother,
T. Sabaka, L. Toffner-Clausen, S. Vennerstrom, R. von Frese, Modeling of the Earth's
magnetic field and its variations with Ørsted, CHAMP and Ørsted-2/SAC-C: current
status and future prospects, Proceedings of 4th Ørsted International Science Team
Conference, 319-326, Copenhagen, 2003.
Schwarte, J., A. Chambodut, H. Lühr, M. MANDEA, Parameterisation of external
magnetic fields from CHAMP vector data, Proceedings of 4th Ørsted International Science
Team Conference, 135-138, Copenhagen, 2003.
Chambodut, A., J. Schwarte, M. MANDEA, H. Lühr, The selection of data in
main field models, Proceedings of 4th Ørsted International Science Team Conference,
31-34, Copenhagen, 2003.
MANDEA, M., 60, 59, 58 ...How many minutes for a reliable hourly mean?, Proceedings of IAGA
Symposium, 112-121, Hermanus, 2003.
Kormendi, A., and M. MANDEA, The First Decade of INTERMAGNET Base-lines, Proceedings IAGA
Symposium, 138-146, Hermanus, 2003.
Hulot, G., and M. MANDEA, Observation, modelisation et interpretation du champ
géomagnetique à l'ére spatiale, rapport CNFGG, 186-216, Ed. J.-P. Barriot,
Toulouse, 2003.
Papers (ISI journals)
Chassefière, E., J.-J. Berthelier, J.-L. Bertaux, E. Quémerais, J.-P. Pommereau,
P. Rannou, F. Raulin, P. Coll, D. Coscia, A. Jambon, P. Sarda, J.C. Sabroux, G. Vitter,
A. Le Pichon, B. Landeau, P. Lognonné, Y. Cohen, S. Vergniole, G. Hulot, M. MANDEA,
J.-F. Pineau, B. Bézard, H. U. Keller, D. Titov, D. Breuer, K. Szego, Cs. Ferencz,
M. Roos-Serote, O. Korablev, V. Linkin, R. Rodrigo, F.W. Taylor, A.-M. Harri, The Lavoisier
mission: A system of descent probe and balloon flotilla for geochemical investigation of the
deep atmosphere and surface of Venus, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 29, 255-264, 2002.
- MANDEA, M., and B. Langlais, Observatory crustal magnetic biases during MAGSAT and
Ørsted satellite missions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2001GL013693, 2002.
Purucker, M. E., B. Langlais, N. Olsen, G. Hulot, M. MANDEA, The southern edge of
cratonic North America: evidence from new satellite magnetometer observations, Geophys.
Res. Lett., 10.1029/2001GL013645, 2002.
Bellanger, E., M. Blanter, J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA, M.G. Shnirman, On the
geometry of the geomagnetic irregular variations, J. Geophys. Res., 107,
10.1029/2001JA900112, 2002.
Hulot, G., C. Eymin, B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, N. Olsen, Small-scale structure
dynamics of the geodynamo inferred from Ørsted and MAGSAT satellite data, Nature, 416, 620-623, 2002.
Papers (Further journals)
Newitt, L.R., M. MANDEA, L.A. McKee, J.J. Orgeval, Recent acceleration of the North
Magnetic Pole linked to magnetic jerks, EOS Transactions AGU, vol 83, 381;388, 2002.
Georgescu, P., J.-L. le Mouël, M. MANDEA, Electric and magnetic perturbations
generated by D.C. electric railway, St. Cerc. GEOFIZICA, 40, 69-82, 2002.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., F. Primdahl, M. H. Acuna, G. Chanteur, Y. Cohen, J. E. P. Connerney,
E. Friis-Christensen, G. Hulot, B. Langlais, M. Menvielle, M. Purucker, N. Olsen, P. Tarits,
K. Schwingenschuh, S. Vennerstrom, M. Wieczorek, MEMOIRE -- Magnetic Experiment on Mars Orbiting InstRumEnts,
CNES proposed mission for AO Premier 07, 44pp., 2002.
Papers (ISI journals)
Bellanger, E., J.-L. Le Mouël, M. MANDEA, S. Labrosse, Chandler wobble and
geomagnetic jerks. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 124, 95-103, 2001.
Papers (Further journals)
MANDEA, M., S. Macmillan, T. Bondar, V. Golovkov , B. Langlais, F. Lowes, N. Olsen,
J. Quinn, T. Sabaka, International Geomagnetic Reference Field 2000 EOS Transactions AGU,
82, 347, 2001.
- Neubert, T., M. MANDEA, G. Hulot, R von Frese, F. Primdahl, J. L. Jorgenson,
E. Friis-Christensen, P. Stauning, N. Olsen, T. Risbo, High-Precision geomagnetic field data
from the Ørsted satellite, EOS Transactions AGU, vol 82, 81;87, 2001.
Proceedings and Reports
MANDEA, M., French magnetic observation and theory at the time of DE MAGNETE,
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, Slovak Academy of Science, 31,
no. 1, 25-27, 2001
MANDEA, M., How well is the main-field secular variation known?, Contributions
to Geophysics and Geodesy, Slovak Academy of Science, 31, no. 1, 233-243, 2001.
Purucker, M., B. Langlais, M. MANDEA, Interpretation of a Magnetic Map of the
Valles Marineris region, Mars, 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston,
Texas, 2001.
Bitterly, J., M. Bitterly, M. MANDEA, Study of baseline values over long time
period at Chambon la Forêt observatory, Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy,
Slovak Academy of Science, 31, no. 1, 179-190, 2001.
MANDEA, M., S. Macmillan, T. Bondar, V. Golovkov , B. Langlais, F. Lowes, N. Olsen,
J. Quinn, T. Sabaka, International Geomagnetic Reference Field 2000, Contributions to
Geophysics and Geodesy, Slovak Academy of Science, 31, no. 1, 253-259, 2001.
Tarits, P., and M. MANDEA, The need for seafloor geomagnetic observatories: the
geomagnetic component of the French program OFM, Proceedings of OHP/ION Joint Symposium --
Long-term observations in the Oceans, 271-273, 2001.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA, M., E. Bellanger, J.-L. Le Mouël, A geomagnetic jerk for the end of 20th
century? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 183, 369-373, 2000.
Lowes, F. J., T. Bondar, V.P. Golovkov, B. Langlais, S. Macmillan, M. MANDEA,
Evaluation of the candidate Main Field model for IGRF 2000 derived from preliminary Ørsted
data, Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 1183-1186, 2000.
MANDEA, M., and B. Langlais, Use of Ørsted scalar data in evaluating the
pre-Ørsted main field candidate models for the IGRF 2000, Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 1167-1170, 2000.
Langlais, B., and M. MANDEA, An IGRF candidate main geomagnetic field model for epoch
2000 and a secular variation model for 2000-2005, Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 1137-1148, 2000.
MANDEA, M., and S. Macmillan, International Geomagnetic Reference Field - The Eighth
Generation, Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 1119-1124, 2000.
Menvielle, M., G. Musmann, F. Kuhnke, J.-J. Berthelier, K.-H. Glassmeier, M. MANDEA,
U. Motschmann, K. Pajunpaa, J.-L. Pincon, F.Primdahl, L. Szarka, Contribution of magnetic
measurements onboard NetLander to Mars exploration, Planetary and Space Sciences, 48, 1231-1247, 2000.
Olsen, N., R. Holme, G. Hulot, T. Sabaka, T. Neubert, L. Toeffner-Clausen, F. Primdahl,
J. Joergensen, J.-M. Leger, D. Barraclough, J. Bloxham, J. Cain, C. Constable, V. Golovkov,
A. Jackson, P. Kotze, B. Langlais, S. Macmillan, M. MANDEA, J. Merayo, L. Newitt,
M. Purucker, T. Risbo, M. Stampe, A. Thomson, C. Voorhies, Ørsted Initial Field
Model (OIFM), Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, No. 22, 3607 - 3610, 2000.
- MANDEA, M., S. Macmillan, S. Bondar, V. Golovkov, B. Langlais, F. Lowes,
N. Olsen, J. Quinn, T. Sabaka, International Geomagnetic Reference Field 2000.
PAGEOPH, 157, 1797 - 1802, 2000.
- MANDEA, M., S. Macmillan, S. Bondar, V. Golovkov, B. Langlais, F. Lowes,
Olsen N., Quinn J., T. Sabaka, International Geomagnetic Reference Field 2000.
Geophys. J. Int., 141, 259-262, 2000.
MANDEA, M., S. Macmillan, S. Bondar, V. Golovkov, B. Langlais, F. Lowes,
N. Olsen, J. Quinn, T. Sabaka, International Geomagnetic Reference Field - 2000,
Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 120, 39-42, 2000.
Le Huy, M., M. MANDEA, J.-L. Le Mouël, A. Pais, Reply to A. Jackson's
''Comment on 'Time evolution of the fluid flow at the top of the core. Geomagnetic jerks'',
Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 651-653, 2000.
Le Huy, M., M. MANDEA, J.-L. Le Mouël, A. Pais, Time evolution of the
fluid flow at the top of the core. Geomagnetic jerks. Earth, Planets and Space, 52, 163-173, 2000.
Books and Chapter in Books
MANDEA, M., French magnetic observation and the theory at the time of DE MAGNETE,
Geomagnetism. Research past and present, IAGA, Ed. W. Schröder, 73-80,
Bremen-Roennebeck, 2000.
Ultré-Guerard, P., and M. MANDEA, Declination and longitude in France in
the early 17th Century, Geomagnetism. Research past and present, IAGA, Ed. W. Schröder
, 81-92, Bremen-Roennebeck, 2000.
Papers (Further journals)
MANDEA, M., Observations magnétiques de la terre, XYZ -- Association
Française de Topographie, No 82, 24-27, 2000.
Papers (ISI journals)
MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., D. Gibert, J.-L. Le Mouël, G. Hulot, G. Saracco,
An estimate of average lower mantle conductivity by wavelet analysis of geomagnetic jerks,
J. Geophys. Res., vol 104, 17735-17745, 1999.
Hongre, L., P. Sailhac, M. ALEXANDRESCU, J. Dubois, Nonlinear and multifractal
approaches of the geomagnetic field, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 110,
157-190, 1999.
Papers (further journals)
MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., S. Gilder, V. Courtillot, J.-L. Le Mouël, D. Gilbert,
Looking back on a half century of repeat magnetic measurements in France, Eos Transition AGU, 80, 25-26, 1999.
Gibert, D., and M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Soubresauts géomagnétiques,
La Recherche, No 325, 28-30, 1999.
Proceedings and Reports
Langlais, B., P. Ultré-Guérard , C. Vernin, M. MANDEA, Y. Cohen, G. Hulot,
Ørsted: IPGP commissioning of the OVH magnetometer, CNES, OERS-RP 0000-0031-IPG,
28 pp., 1999.
Gilbert, D., M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, G. Petiau, Main results of the Vth workshop on
geomagnetic observatory instruments, data acquisition and processing, Bureau Central de
Magnétisme Terrestre, No 12, 55-78, 1999.
MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., and J. Bitterly, French results of the geomagnetic field repeat
station networks measurements, Bureau Central de Magnétisme Terrestre, No 12, 43-54, 1999.
MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, M., Mesures dans les stations magnétiques de
répétition de la France - 1997, Bureau Central de Magnétisme Terrestre, No 12, 7-29, 1999.
Bitterly, J., M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, J.-J. Schott, J. Vassal, Contribution de la
France à l'observation cu champ magnétique terrestre, CNFGG, Rapport
quadriennal 1995-1998, 145-158, Ed. J.-P. Barriot, Toulouse, 1999.
Papers (ISI journals)
Le Huy, M., M. ALEXANDRESCU, G. Hulot, J.-L. Le Mouël, On the characteristics
of successive geomagnetic jerks, Earth, Planets and Space, 50, 723-732, 1998.
Ultré-Guérard, P., D. Jault, M. ALEXANDRESCU, J. Achache, Improving
geomagnetic field models for the period 1980-1999 using Ørsted data, Earth, Planets and
Space, 50, 635-640, 1998.
Soare, A., G. Cucu, M. MANDEA ALEXANDRESCU, Historical geomagnetic measurements in
Romania, Annals of Geophysics, 41, 539-554, 1998.
Papers (Further journals)
ALEXANDRESCU, M, Database of Geomagnetic Observatory Monthly Means Seeks Contributors,
Eos AGU, 79, 345, 1998.
ALEXANDRESCU, M, Comment et pourquoi observer le champ magnétique terrestre,
"Lettre semestrielle" diffusée par la SGF, tome 169, 6, 24-33, 1998.
Papers (ISI journals)
Courtillot, V., G. Hulot, M. ALEXANDRESCU , J.-L. Le Mouël, J. Kirschvink,
Sensitivity and evolution of sea-turtle magnetoreception: observations, modelling and
constraints from geomagnetic secular variation, Terra Nova, 9, 203-207, 1997.
ALEXANDRESCU, M, V. Courtillot, andJ.-L. Le Mouël, High-resolution secular
variation of the geomagnetic field in Western Europe over the last 4 centuries: Comparison
and integration of historical data from Paris and London, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20245-20258, 1997.
Cohen, Y., M. ALEXANDRESCU, G. Hulot, J.-L. Le Mouël, Candidate models for
the 1995 revision of IGRF, a worldwide evaluation based on observatory monthly means,
J. Geomag. Geoelectr., renamed Earth, Planets and Space, 49, 279-290, 1997.
Papers (ISI journals)
ALEXANDRESCU, M, V. Courtillot, J.-L. Le Mouël, Geomagnetic field direction
in Paris since the mid-XVIth century, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 98, 321-360, 1996.
ALEXANDRESCU, M, D. Gibert, G. Hulot, J.-L. Le Mouël, G. Saracco,
Worldwide analysis of geomagnetic jerks, J. Geophys. Res., 101,
21975-21994, 1996.
Papers (Further journals)
- ALEXANDRESCU, M, and Hulot G., "Voir" le noyau, dans Pour la Science, juillet, 1996.
Proceedings and Reports
ALEXANDRESCU, M, Geomagnetic observatories and field modelling,
Proceedings of the VIth workshop on Geomagnetic observatories, instruments,
data acquisition and processing, Ed. Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique,
Bruxelles, 236-241, 1996.
Papers (ISI journals)
ALEXANDRESCU, M, D. Gibert, G. Hulot, J.-L. Le Mouël, G. Saracco, Detection
of geomagnetic jerks using wavelet analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 100,
12557-12572, 1995.
Papers (ISI journals)
ALEXANDRESCU, M., C. Ha Duyen, J.-L. Le Mouël, Geographical distribution of
magnetic observatories and field modelling, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., renamed Earth, Planets and
Space , 46, 891-901, 1994.
Papers (Further journals)
Alexandrescu, D., and M. ALEXANDRESCU, L'influence des bruits industriels produits
par l'activité minière sur les résultats de la prospection
magnétométrique, Romanian Journal of Geophysics, vol.16, 1-8, 1993.
Soare, A., M. ALEXANDRESCU, D. Alexandrescu, The international adoption of the
Dreptu geomagnetic station (Poiana Teiului, Neamt district), Romanian Journal of
Geophysics, vol.16, 77-82, 1993.
Papers (Further journals)
Soare, A., G. Cucu, M. ALEXANDRESCU, Information about deep structure on a profile
across the Eastern Carpathians using geomagnetic welling, . Rev., Roum. Géol.,
Géophys. et Géogr., Géophysique, 33, 49-56, 1989.